When Spiritual Warfare Gets Too Personal

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About a month or two ago my youthgroup went on a mission trip to missouri to help a youthgroup kick off. The first night we were there a satanic symbol was spraypainted on the side of the church there. We were in to good of a mood and laughed at it as some joke but the next day when someone went to go scrub it off the building…with each scrub it grew darker and more present. Two nights pass and on the third night after teaching and worship 2 kids go to the ER almost simultaneously one with severe breathing problems and the other with his back almost folded in half!!! That night after they got back from the ER my friend and I were freaked out by a kid from the other youthgroup who was practicing cultic stuff behind closed doors. He was pacing the church late at night where we were staying and no one knows what EXACTLY he was doing. After he finally came back and got back in his bead I dozed off. Some time passes and I am woken up by my friend next to me in tears and grabbing me saying “look up on the stairs!” (we were sleeping about 200 ft. away from the stairs). I look up and there is a woman standing there with a white dress but no face…instead it was as if it looked like it would suck stuff in like a black hole. I grabbed my friend and I started crying and we both were too terrified to move. We kept our eyes fixed on it afraid that if we turned away it would get closer or do something. We eventually collapsed from such adrenaline and exhaustion. 2 nights later another two kids from my youthgroup are attacked spiritually. One with even more sever breathing and the other with emotional attacks (she was crying and laughing and screaming at the same time…totally out of control) and even others were feeling an evil presence about. Anyone seen any stuff like this? How do we go about fighting this stuff? I couldn’t sleep for the first few weeks after the encouters but I got over it…or so I thought. Lately, I’ve been having dreams. I know to combat this stuff using the name of Jesus but stuff keeps coming back. How do I deal with this stuff?
Before converting, I was Wiccan, and did many occult things. During the conversion process, I’ve had many dark moments where I felt the dark spirits attacking me. This led to frightening experiences, and horrible dreams. But the thing that continually worked was:

Prayer, and lots of it! If anything like this happens, pray. Pray for Christ to be with you. Pray for the intercession of his blessed mother. And do your best to ignore these bad things. All Satan wants to do is get your attention. The best thing you can do is ignore him, and concentrate on your prayer life. Stay strong in Christ, and trust in the help of his mother, and you will prevail!

Also, pray for the intercession of Saint Benedict. He did much to combat occultism and paganism. In fact, I chose his as my baptismal name… catholic-forum.com/saints/saintb02.htm

I will be praying for you.

Since our prayer group started going to all the abortion mills to pray where we live.All hell broke loose at my home too.One of the mills director is a Santaria priestess.My husband is not religious and bears the brunt of attacks and it seeps onto us:nope: We have had “occurances” of a supernatural nature here and 2 times a Priest who also prays there has come to “clean the house”:nope: It is not fun,but they can only do what God allows them to do. I think God allows this to let us know that we are in a spiritual battle and without Him we will lose.We need to pray for each other and try not to let fear overcome us,God is stronger.
Please send this exact same post to the Intercessors of the Lamb as a prayer request. The Intercessors of the Lamb’s charism deals with spiritual warfare and they will know how to handle the situation. I would also call them and ask for some one to pray over you while on the phone. Pray and fast very hard for the boy. If you can, talk with the boy and ask him what is going on and reassure him that he will not get in trouble. Ask him who the lady is or if he has ever seen her, there is a chance he knows. Please find many prayer groups and orthodox religious orders to pray for the boy. You can list it as a special intention.

Do you have blessed salt or holy water. Do you wear a blessed religious object for protection? You should consider spending time in front of the blessed sacrament and avail yourself to confession.

God is calling you to a new level of prayer and commitment to Him. Please realize this incident will be a major blessing in your life. Have no fear and trust in the Lord.

Your in our prayers.

Intercessors of the Lamb Contact Information

http://www.bellwetheromaha.org/_themes/checkers-bellwether/achbull1.gifTelephone 402-455-1514
Use Holy Water, wear a St Benedict medal and get enroled by a priest, pray to Mary, St Michael and your guardian Angel. Ignore them and let them have no part in your life. If they see you are frightened they will persist. So don’t even blink if they visit you. Never ever talk to them directly. Simply ask Jesus to send them back to the abyss. Talking to them is dangerous. If they see you doing this and no longer paying any attention to them they will eventually go elsewhere.You should tell your priest about it all too. And ask him to bless your house and anything else you frequent if possible eg car , bike etc.
The Lords Prayer
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
The Rosary
Hail Mary
Prayer to Saint Michael
Prayer to Saint Benedict

Always wear a Crucifix and any other Sacramental and carry a bottle of Holy Water on your person.

A good Confession and Holy Communion at Mass 👍
be happy! see it as satan having a tantrum at losing more souls to Jesus. Do what has been suggested by others before me. I used to have similar problems, but I have found the rosary and a blessed St. Benedict Cross to be most effective.

You’re on the front line- fight hard and fight well. Happy hunting.
About a month or two ago my youthgroup went on a mission trip to missouri to help a youthgroup kick off. The first night we were there a satanic symbol was spraypainted on the side of the church there. We were in to good of a mood and laughed at it as some joke but the next day when someone went to go scrub it off the building…with each scrub it grew darker and more present. ?
this is the usual result when amateur attempts are made to clean paint from stone surfaces, a professional should have been called immediately and paid for by the Church’s property insurances.

as for the rest of your post, it could easily be a case of group hysteria, but the adult leadership of the youth group should get careful, accurate reports of the experiences of those involved, with names, dates, places and signatures and bring them to the pastor for judgement and possible referral to someone in the diocese who can direct you in this situation.
this is the usual result when amateur attempts are made to clean paint from stone surfaces, a professional should have been called immediately and paid for by the Church’s property insurances.

as for the rest of your post, it could easily be a case of group hysteria, but the adult leadership of the youth group should get careful, accurate reports of the experiences of those involved, with names, dates, places and signatures and bring them to the pastor for judgement and possible referral to someone in the diocese who can direct you in this situation.
The church did hire someone and they said they couldn’t understand why it wasn’t coming off. As for group hysteria…that may be the case for the people not directly involved and who are just spooked out…but I and about 9 others were directly involved or attacked. We talked to leaders in the church and even some of them said they have experienced similar encounters in the church and that there are someplaces in the church they will not go. I don’t believe it is “haunted” because somewhere in the Bible (sorry, I don’t remember the scriptural reference) it says the dead cannot interact with the living. As for spiritual stuff though…that church has some major creepy stuff going on and I sure hope they have someone come preform and exorcism or something very soon. Things are just uneasy there…it’s hard to describe. Whatever is going on there is seriously jacked up. Thanks for your post.

Vaughn aka Ryan
As for spiritual stuff though…that church has some major creepy stuff going on and I sure hope they have someone come preform and exorcism or something very soon.
Is this a Catholic Church? If so the pastor of the parish (or someone else if he won’t) may want to contact the bishop about the events you are describing. But it seems very odd that such things would be occuring so close to the Blessed Sacrament.
Is this a Catholic Church? If so the pastor of the parish (or someone else if he won’t) may want to contact the bishop about the events you are describing. But it seems very odd that such things would be occuring so close to the Blessed Sacrament.
I attended service at this church in missouri Sunday when we were there and the whole service in and of itself seemed to be…well, off. It isn’t a Catholic church, it is Baptist.
I attended service at this church in missouri Sunday when we were there and the whole service in and of itself seemed to be…well, off. It isn’t a Catholic church, it is Baptist.
I know many good Baptists, so this is not a knock on Baptists, but if you say something was “off” and all this other stuff is happening, there could be something very weird happening at this church. (That someone spraypainted the church indicates that even if there wasn’t anything supernatural.) The Bible very clearly warns us of false teachers, and sadly sometimes those in the church don’t share the mission of Christ. Do they report to any church authority who you can share this with? At the very least make sure those who sent your group to this place are aware of what went on and that you are still troubled by it.

Much of the suggestions thus far have involved very Catholic things, such as Holy Water, The Rosary and prayers to St. Michael–if you are comfortable with that then by all means use those. (Here’s a link to the St. Michael prayer: ewtn.com/Devotionals/prayers/michael.htm You can obtain Holy Water in the back of most any Catholic Church; bring a small bottle to place it in–we dip our right fingers in it and touch our forehead saying “in the name of the Father” then touch our stomach saying “and of the Son” then touch left shoulder and say “and of the Holy” then right shoulder and say “Spirit.” “Amen” It’s a very short prayer in honor of the Holy Trinity.) I believe these “Catholic” things are very useful weapons in spiritual warfare. And Jesus tells us about prayer and fasting, so you may also want to add fasting along with your prayers if your health permits.
This does seem strange to me. As someone said, that this was happening so close to the blessed sacrament and that it was happening in a circumstance I would normally expect the Lord to have full control and protection over. Generally speaking, if you are not engaging in anything sinister that might bring these dark forces closer then you will be protected by God. I was also a bit surprised at your reaction to the ‘thing at the top of the stairs’. If I feel afraid my first instinct is to pray. Even if it is just a simple "Jesus’. I feel this (protection) should apply whatever the denomination. Where evil spirits are permitted to affect us in such a way there is a reason they are there so someone needs to get onto the spiritism being practiced somewhere.
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