When Talking about National Stories

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TLDR; I read one headline, or social media comment, about a national news story, and sometimes blindly share it as though it were fact, but not because I wanted to hurt someone’s reputation, but rather point out something in a storyline and trying to find truth. typically I catch myself and either go out and verify it, or let the reciepient know “hey I only go that bit from a youtube comment or reading one headline.”
I’m not so paniced about my question as in “is this a mortal sin?” however, just seeking council. I talk a lot about the news with my famly, nearly 99.9% of the time with my brother and father, and sometimes, I will admit, I am guilty of “reading a headline/comment but don’t research into it to verify, or give it weight.” My point in bringing this up is that, this is not “gossip” or “detraction” correct? because I have no known past motivation of sharing a national (or local) news story (or claims/claimed information about a national story usually involving an institution/country/or person) because I want to ruin their reputaion. I have no memory of ever going “ooh I know this isn’t true/verified, and this could hurt [one of mentioned three subject’s] reputation, and I know hurting reputation is bad, but I’m going to share it anyways.”
I usually share [Verified information, personal research, and/or even my blind read one headline and go and mention it stuff] out of a “look at this plot twist/hole in the STORY” not persons manner, or laughing at a contradiction out of genuine humor not mocking one of said three subjects as though I am above them, or share it out of a “hey did you see/what do you think of this claim or information?”
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