When there is already enough love in the room

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Say I am with a group of friends or family. All are warm and friendly and nice and kind. Everyone is saying nice things. There is goodwill. Lots.
I am tempted to take a break from being the nice loving one. Others are taking care of that. I can be selfish now. Attend to my own needs. I become a taker instead of a giver.
Say I am at a workplace. A toxic workplace. Everyone gossips. Noone can be trusted. There is greed, and spite and envy and hatred. Am I then tempted to be a nice person? Full of goodwill? To counter the evil there?
Well no. I tend to join in the gossip. Become as bad as everyone else. What a shame. What a wasted opportunity. To bring sanity where it is really needed.
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And I have to apologize here to CAF members for my selfishness. You are all very kind and patient with me. I am trying to improve my writing skills, my language skills while at the same time deepening my faith.
God Bless you all.
You sound like a loving, caring person. I don’t think it is so easy to turn that off, just because you aren’t feeling like it. Even if you have a moment of selfishness, you probably do it in a loving, caring way. ☺️
why? why do I sin?
why does anyone sin?
Because they are human, of the flesh, weak.
If you recognise that joining in with gossip and being selfish as you say ,why would you join in ?
You have enough wisdom and brains by the sounds of it ,and age I assume to recognise that fairly obvious wrong doing…
A big part of resolving a problem is recognising it’s wrong to begin with.
Now you need to deal with it 🙂 :+1:t4:
Hope you are not trying to bully me greenfields. I managed to annoy you on some other threads didn’t I.
Sorry about that.
Glad to share my sins with you all. Looks like the Pharisees enjoy my threads especially. 🙂
There is never enough love that more can’t be shown.

Don’t give in to the urge to be selfish or to give in to the temptations of a toxic atmosphere. Don’t gossip. Be the one who stands apart from the negativity. Be the positive example for others.

Remember that Christ shines in you and through you. You may be the only example of Christ that your co-workers, friends and family see.
Don’t give in to the urge to be selfish or to give in to the temptations of a toxic atmosphere. Don’t gossip. Be the one who stands apart from the negativity. Be the positive example for others.
Don’t give in to the urge to correct others or to the temptation to make others feel they are not up to par. Don’t lecture. Be the one who shows empathy for a difficult situation. Be the non-hypocritical non Pharisee for others.
I stand by what I said. It’s good advice. If you choose not to take it, that’s up to you.

Also, read your first post again. That is what my response was to.
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