Where are the rubrics?

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I am relatively new to the whole concept of apologetics. The more I dig, the more I am finding is out there that I want to know. I fell like I am falling in love with the faith all over again :dancing: .

I am very interested in understading the rubrics of the mass, but I have not had much success in finding any information on them, especially as they are adapted to the Diocese of Rochester, NY.

Can anyone out there point me in the right direction? Also, will these rubrics cover the appropriateness of music selections for liturgy or are these covered elsewhere (i.e. what determines whether a hymn is approved for use during mass?)

God Bless you all…
The best place to start is the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM).
Thanks. Now I am wondering how to tell what parts of the GIRM the Bishop is at liberty to alter versus what parts he may not change.

Also, how do I know what the Bispop’s modifications are, is he required to publish a local set of instructions? I cannot find anything on the Diocesian website.
I can’t help you with what they are allowed to change, but the things that they have changed are on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website usccb.org/ This site has a lot of press releases and facts that might help you get an idea of where your bishop is coming from.
Here are some resources for you. But I warn you it much easier to be an ostrich.

From the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

USCCB GIRM For US Dioceses

USCCB - Committee on the Liturgy

Here are a couple good reverence Sites

Adoremus - Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy

Liturgy Questions from ZENIT

Here are a few Liturgy related Church Documents from the Vatican website. (Most recent first)

Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum
April 23, 2004
On certain matters to be observed or to be avoided regarding the Most Holy Eucharist.
Introduction and Overview
by Francis Cardinal Arinze

Spiritus Et Sponsa Presentation
April 2, 2004
Presentation Of The Book Spiritus Et Sponsa, A Collection Of The Records Of The Day Commemorating The 40th Anniversary Of Sacrosanctum Concilium

December 4, 2003
Apostolic Letter on Liturgy - 40th Anniversary of Constitution on the Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium

Pontifical Letter on Sacred Music
November 22, 2003
Chirograph Of The Supreme Pontiff John Paul II For 100 Year Anniversary Of The Motu Proprio, Tra Le Sollecitudini, of Pope Pius X On Sacred Music.

Ecclesia De Eucharistia
April 17, 2003
Encyclical Letter Ecclesia De Eucharistia Of His Holiness Pope John Paul II To The Bishops Priests And Deacons Men And Women In The Consecrated Life And All The Lay Faithful On The Eucharist And Its Relationship To The Church.

Directory On Popular Piety And The Liturgy
April 9, 2002
Congregation For Divine Worship And The Discipline Of The Sacraments, Directory On Popular Piety And The Liturgy Principles And Guidelines

Liturgiam Authenticam
May 7, 2001
Fifth Instruction for the Right Implementation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council On The Use Of Vernacular Languages In The Publication Of The Books Of The Roman Liturgy
Liturgiam Authenticam Overview

Sacrosanctum Concilium
December 4, 1963
Constitution On The Sacred Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium Solemnly Promulgated By His Holiness Pope Paul VI On December 4, 1963
The word rubric refers to the writing that is in red. In the Mass, these are in the Sacramentary. The rubrics are instructions on actions that are to be done. The rubrics never include something that is to be said.Hymns must be approved by the bishops conference.
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