Where can I buy blessed oil and candles?

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Does anybody know where I can buy blessed oil and candles and the proper way to use them? Thank You!
I don’t think you can buy these things already blessed. You may need to ask your priest about buying either candles or oil and having them blessed. Also, he can help you with the usage and all.
Does anybody know where I can buy blessed oil and candles and the proper way to use them? Thank You!
yes you can buy them already blessed. Here is a website that I have used. cukierski.net/packages.htm

I have ordered salts, oils and beeswax candles from them. If you want your own priest to bless them, then go for it!

God Bless
the leaflet missal company sells many catholic sacramentals, scapulars, medals, candles, votives, even mass supplies. they are on the internet, and their prices are very reasonable. any priest will bless them for you; just ask one after mass. i make rosaries and have had the ones i use blessed that way, no problem. the only thing that they might ask is what they are blessing (if they can’t tell) so they use the approved blessing. the cuckiersky (i don’t think i spelled that right, but the last reply had it) apostolate is also a good source. st michael the archangel books also sells some pre-blessed items. they are heavy into ‘end times’ prophecy, which is fascinating…
i thought that buying blessed items/selling them was against canon law… ??? or something bad?
you can sell a religious article, you cannot sell a blessing, that is the sin of simony. I would be very suspicious of websites that claim to sell blessed fabric, candles and other goods. On the other hand, a valid charity or religious order can ask for donations to fund its good work, and send a token “thank you” gift, worth much less than the amount donated, and a priest may bless it before it is shipped.

in our diocese the bishop has specifically told lay people to stop using blessed oil, citing confusion between the chrism and other sacramental oils blessed by the bishop and the efficacy of using ordinary blessed oil in so-called healing Masses or rallies.
Dave, I can’t believe you asked that question. If the religious goods’ stores are monitoring this channel, you will be the cause of much advertising. St Anne’s Shrine in Quebec, Canada is our favorite place to buy such things. I don’t know if it is forbidden like getting drugs from Canada.

Holy Lent,
Deacon Tony
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