Where can I get a free rosary?

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Please let me know if you can mail me a free rosary.
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I do not have a rosary to send you but if you are part of a Catholic family perhaps ask the older generation. Often in my family I am offered rosaries that belonged to a relative who has passed away.

I also suggest you look into free smart phone apps. I like the feeling of a rosary in my hands but find a smart phone rosary app has been helpful as I was not raised knowing how to pray the rosary, and it provides instruction. Several are free downloads
Thank you for that information. Do you recommend one in particular?
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Go to the America Needs Fatima site. They frequently can send out free rosaries.
Are you beginning to say the Rosary? You list your religion as Christian. I’m curious whether you are leaning toward Catholicism. Do you have any questions about how to pray the Rosary?
You can purchase inexpensive Rosaries online or at a religious goods store.
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Yes I’m very serious about converting and will start to pray the rosary but there are many different types of Catholic Churches that I’m a bit confused about. Plus I’m wondering about being accepted. Are there rules to become a member? How does it work?
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You should start by praying, reading about Catholicism, and contacting the local Catholic Church to inquire about RCIA classes, which are classes that teach about the faith. Do you know any Catholics? They can answer questions. Or search this forum to get answers to questions. What faith tradition are you currently?
Thank you for the information. I will do just that. I grew up Baptist.
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The RCIA classes generally begin at the time the school year begins.

You can start going to Mass, but do not receive Communion until you have been received into the Church, which generally happens the evening before Easter. By then you will have already been to Confession, unless you have never been properly baptized.

Welcome to CAF, and best wishes on your journey!
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Thank you so much! Where are the classes at?
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RCIA classes are held at your local Catholic Church. RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
You do not have to be “accepted”. All are welcome. You simply go through the process of learning the faith in RCIA and begin practicing the religion in your daily life.
Plus I’m wondering about being accepted.
You don’t have to worry about being accepted. Believe me, if Holy Mother Church will take someone like me, she’ll take anyone 🤣 😀 Everyone is welcome in the church.
Are there rules to become a member?
Like someone else said, not really. All you need to do is find a local parish with an RCIA program. There are zero eligibility requirements outside of being willing to learn about the faith. You will need to be admitted to communion before receiving Jesus in the Sacrament, but that will come at the end of your RCIA courses, when you’re ready to make your First Communion.

Welcome home! 👍
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