Do they not come from God? You see they are so gratuitous, they are so unnecessary. They can only be a gift from God. Does a baby chick, a kitten, a puppy have to be so cute and cuddly have to so cute for the mother to love them? No, so whay are they cute to us? There is no need for us to be drawn by their cuteness. That is a gift, meant to draw us to God.
Do the vast reaches of the heavens have to be so beautiful and astonishing? No. Then why do we have the capacity to appreciate the wonders they hold? Why the capicity to appreciate those wonders if they are not meant to draw us to God?
And why the beauty and innocence of a child? Are they not meant to draw us to God.
Doesn’t all of this amount to a shout from God saying, " Here I am, just look around, where did all that beauty, innocence, and wonder come from if not from Me? You don’t need it, but I give it to you as a gift. "
Can anyone look at the beauty and innocence of Myriam, in this video, and doubt that God exists?
. te-deum.blogspot.com/2015/03/video-interview-reveals-great-virtue-in.html
Do the vast reaches of the heavens have to be so beautiful and astonishing? No. Then why do we have the capacity to appreciate the wonders they hold? Why the capicity to appreciate those wonders if they are not meant to draw us to God?
And why the beauty and innocence of a child? Are they not meant to draw us to God.
Doesn’t all of this amount to a shout from God saying, " Here I am, just look around, where did all that beauty, innocence, and wonder come from if not from Me? You don’t need it, but I give it to you as a gift. "
Can anyone look at the beauty and innocence of Myriam, in this video, and doubt that God exists?
. te-deum.blogspot.com/2015/03/video-interview-reveals-great-virtue-in.html