Where do people who commit suicide go? church does not specify/name who are in hell

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Jesus’ story on rich man and Lazarus confirms rich man ended up in hell but does not name this rich man…

how about people who commited suicide? i can see jihadi suicide bombers who kill others end up in hell, but how about those who were just depressed??
robin williams, witney houston, etc

i defend christianity most of the time when it’s legit but this is the really hard question.

that’s why i do not believe in any vision AFTER/NOT IN the deposit of faith

The thing is, the Church doesn’t say who is and isn’t in Hell. For a sin to be mortal, there has to be full knowledge, and full consent. Someone who is contemplating suicide, might not have complete control of their actions. I have a blood relative that committed suicide, even have a video about Chester Bennington’s suicide and about how we shouldn’t say people are in hell when we don’t know.
Jesus’ story on rich man and Lazarus confirms rich man ended up in hell but does not name this rich man…

how about people who commited suicide?
Dante met the suicides in the seventh circle of Hell.

“When the wild soul leaps from the body, which
Its own mad violence forces it to quit,
Minos dispatches it down to the seventh ditch.

It falls in the wood; no place is picked for it,
But as chance carries it, there it falls to be,
And where it falls, it sprouts like a grain of wheat

And grows to a sapling, and thence to a wild tree;
Then the harpies feed on its leaves, and their sharp bite
gives agony, and a vent to agony.”

Inferno, Canto XIII, lines 94-102, in Dorothy L. Sayers’ translation.

Doré’s illustration:
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They’re probably not in heaven. We cannot say for certain for an individual person, but a person who commits suicide and gets into heaven is likely the exception and not the rule.
is this canon?? dante was supposed to be poetical lterature only
how about the 9-11 victims you see on youtube who jumped off twin towers, there’s even one that made sign of the cross?..i am sure they did best to escape, but the exits were all incinerated…they were in a lose-lose situation…they did not want to die
is this canon?? dante was supposed to be poetical lterature only
The general consensus, I believe, is that the rewards and punishments in the Divine Comedy are broadly in line with the beliefs and values of the Catholic culture of his day, though of course he doesn’t claim to be a theologian!
how about the 9-11 victims you see on youtube who jumped off twin towers, there’s even one that made sign of the cross?..i am sure they did best to escape, but the exits were all incinerated…they were in a lose-lose situation…they did not want to die
I certainly wouldn’t classify them as suicides. They were victims of Muslim terrorism, making a last desperate attempt to save their lives in what, as you say, was an excruciating lose-lose situation.
You can find the Church teaching on suicide in the Catechism of the Catholic Church at paragraph 2280.

The part that applies to the question of the Original Post is this:
Grave psychological disturbances, anguish, or grave fear of hardship, suffering, or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide.

We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. The Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives.
Which is to say that the Church hopes (and has reason to hope) that they may go to Heaven,

and we should pray for their salvation (even for suicide bombers, who may be doing it under duress).
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how about the 9-11 victims you see on youtube who jumped off twin towers, there’s even one that made sign of the cross?..i am sure they did best to escape, but the exits were all incinerated…they were in a lose-lose situation…they did not want to die
In principle, they could have chosen to die slowly in the building rather than quickly in the jump, but this is easy for us to say in our comfortable homes. In those extreme circumstances, where they may have been choking on the smoke or feeling unbearable heat, and death was certain either way, their choice to jump is understandable and, in my opinion, easily forgivable.

One way to imagine how God looks at it is to think of the compassion of a human father or mother. If your son or daughter was there in the burning building, would you consider their suicidal jump to be an unforgivably selfish and unloving act? Probably not. Even if you did not approve, you would forgive.
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even the visions of other people like Angelica zambrano, etc saying Michael jackson, selena in hell man, i mean i don’t go by that, just the deposit of faith…but those claims more like a horror story plot! or like these stuff such as 24min in hell by one evangelical testimony, i mean, come on!
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