Where do you attend Tridentine Mass?

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Just out of curiosity I posted this poll to see where traditional Catholics attend the TLM. It is completely anonymous and multiple poll options are allowed.

Feel free to post any comments you have on the TLM you attend. 🙂
There is a traditional parish in my diocese which has a weekly Indult…It is a beautiful Church…St. Agnes, run by the wonderful and very Holy MSGR Bergreen
Just a clarification for poll options 4, 5 and 9, what I mean by Apostolate is a Tridentine Mass that is offered somewhere other then a traditional parish/chapel/oratory, such as a regular parish church that normally offers the Novus Ordo.
I occasionally attend an Indult mass offered in another diocese, since our bishop refuses to allow an Indult Mass. It’s an hour and a half drive, but well worth it!
There aren’t any that are close to my family. I’ve only been to one TLM, and that was when I was about 6 years old (can’t remember most of it). 😦
Indult Mass by the only priest in my diocese to have the indult.
I don’t regularly attend the TLM, but I have attended them at a parish in my city that has an indult. They have Low Mass at 8:00 a.m. and High Mass at 12:00 p.m. every Sunday. In fact, I recommended the parish to a poster on another thread who has parents from my area who have not been to Mass for many years because they don’t like the Pauline Mass.
Other… I used to go monthly to the idult at San Fernando Mission about 25 minutes from where I live here in LA

Then Mahony cancelled it.
I attend an indult TLM at a chapel celebrated by a Norbertine priest. The N.O. is celebrated there weekly while the TLM is offered on the 4th and 5th Sunday of the month.
I attend the indult offered at our cathedral, where I am in charge of the altar boys. If the wishes of many of our congregation are eventually granted, we will have our own parish staffed by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter.
I attend the indult offered at our cathedral, where I am in charge of the altar boys. If the wishes of many of our congregation are eventually granted, we will have our own parish staffed by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter.
I will attend Tridentine mass when offered in my own parish. As with any other mass, I will also attend if invited, if there is some particular reason for going, or if a Tridentine mass happens to be the most convenient. However I won’t seek out a Tridentine mass, and I won’t replace Sunday mass in my own parish with a Tridentine one, purely because the other mass is traditional.
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