I’m against them all - however, some are worse than others.
Blind Sheep:
Most of the questions are pretty cut and dried - The Magisterium of the Church has given clear guidence on these for the last 2,000 years:
Contraception & Sterilization
So, anyone who doesn’t oppose them is opposing the Teaching Authority and the Tradition of the Church.
Just War Doctrine hasn’t been as well taught or as well documented as those above, and people can argue that a given War is Just/Unjust using the Same Doctrine as happened with the Iraq War (that’s why I also believe people needed to look at Aquinas and his section on the the REGICIDE OF THE UNJUST RULER WHO FEARS NEITHER GOD NOR MAN).
War (outside the Just War Doctrine) therefore isn’t as well understood as we’d like it too be. That may be because that, side by side with the Just War Doctrine, there’s been a Doctrine of PACIFISM in the Church, esp. the early Church which refused to resist the most unjust attacks against her members.
The Church, historically, was a SUPPORTER OF Capital Punishment for Murder AND OTHER CAPITAL CRIMES from the time of the Emporer Constantine until the 20th Century. Also, Capital Punishement for Murder is the only Commandment MANDATED in ALL 5 Books of the Torah - Even Pope John Paul II chose to place Capital Punishment (when society is protected) in the area of OPINION, not Dogma or Doctrine - Remember, the original Hebrew in the 10 Commandments would be more accurately translated, “You shall not deliberately murder the INNOCENT.” You can ask StillSmallVoice for confirmation if you wish.
The purpose of punishment is to PUNISH and to ensure that JUSTICE IS DONE and not just to protect society. If that were the case, the Hebrews wouldn’t have been repeatedly commanded to take the lives of murderers. Punishment demonstrates the value that we place on something (In this case, human life). That’s why the Torah says that the only thing as valuble as life is life itself, not freedom, not money, but life itself. That was taught from the time the Torah was written (By Moses for Orthodox Jews), and taught by the Church which acknowledged the right of the Roman Empire (and later Civil Authority) to apply the Penalty.
Remember, with both JUST WAR and CAPITAL PUNISHMENT, we are DEFENDING the WEAK AND THE POWERLESS against Agressors who would take their lives or who have taken their lives. This makes those different than ALL of the other things on the LIST (with the exception of suicide) which are some of those assaults on the weak and the powerless.
Blessings and Peace, Michael