Where Does It Stop?

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Christian doctors are in federal court to defend their right to refuse to provide abortions and abortion referrals.

The Alliance Defense Fund and the Christian Legal Society filed a motion to intervene Thursday in San Francisco in a lawsuit brought by the state of California against the U.S. government.

“Forcing pro-life healthcare workers to provide abortion services is hardly ‘pro-choice,’” said Steven H. Aden, chief litigation counsel of the Christian Legal Society Center for Law & Religious Freedom…"

Figures they will do this in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals territory. They know they will get a favorable ruling there (at least at the appealate court level) :banghead:

If we don’t start making some progress with these rogue judges they are going to force the issue and leave doctors,nurses,pharmacists and hospitals the choice to quit and close down or reject God:mad: :mad: :mad:
The term choice was flawed to begin with the baby was denied a choice in the matter and subject to maternal tyranny.Now they want to force you to kill too,insanity.:mad:
Insanity is right!! Choice is another word(when used regarding abortion) that is used to make what is really evil-baby killing-sound so nice. They want abortion to be about something that it is not.
Momofone said:
Insanity is right!! Choice is another word(when used regarding abortion) that is used to make what is really evil-baby killing-sound so nice. They want abortion to be about something that it is not.

Choice = abortion = child sacrifice. All the same thing. Ancient “religions” sacrificed children; is this just a re-hash of the same thing using different terms?
Peace be with you!

This is why I like President Bush. He signed the bill that prohibits doctors from being forced to perform abortions. And now they want to overturn that?!? How dare they!!! This is an outrage and only goes to show how the world is literally going to hell in a handbasket. Makes me damn proud to be a Christian.

In Christ,
I thought it was about a “choice”. How desperate have they become when they feel forced to spread the collective guilt to all physicans.

It stops when we all have the blood of the murdered children on our hands (that appears to be their goal), it is absolutely sick.
Are we looking towards a day when we can only “choose” from pro-death doctors?

If doctors are required to perform abortions and other atrocities in order to practice, then those who truly value human life will automatically be excluded. (Not unlike the litmus test used by politicians to determine who is “qualified” to be a judge.)
Elizabeth B.:
Are we looking towards a day when we can only “choose” from pro-death doctors?

If doctors are required to perform abortions and other atrocities in order to practice, then those who truly value human life will automatically be excluded. (Not unlike the litmus test used by politicians to determine who is “qualified” to be a judge.)

You’ve stated stated why I made such a stink about the deal that SAVED Roe v. Wade! And, You also stated why I fought so hard to get the REPUBLICANS to CHANGE THE RULES ON JUDICIAL FILIBUSTERS!

Remember, the politicians who wanted fealty and obedience to Roe v. Wade were almost all DEMOCRATS! and, The politicians who were trying to BREAK THOSE FILIBUSTERS were ALL REPUBLICANS!

NOT ONE DEMOCRAT was willing to oppose his or her party and the PRO-ABORTION.

And, When push came to shove, these 7 saved Roe v. Wade and threw a couple of good people under the bus all so they could say they “made a deal”:

Lincoln Chaffee (R - Rhode Island)
Susan Collins (R - Maine)
Mike DeWine (R - Ohio)
Lindsey Graham (R - South Carolina)
McCain, John (R - Arizona)
Olympia Snowe (R - Maine)
John Warner (R- Virginia)

Their contact information is here;
and here:


These people need to know that we are NOT pleased at how they b etrayed us so that when the DEMOCRATS FILIBUSTER a PRO-LIFE SUPREME COURT NOMINEE, they don’t pull the same stunt again.

Remember, before the deal was made, Roe V. Wade was going down in the same way that Berlin was going down as a result of the Battle of Kursk.

Historians say that Berlin’s fall became inevitable after the Red Army victory and follow-up at and immediately after Kursk.

What these 7 did was the equivalent of stopping the Red Army, allowing the Germans to withdraw some distance to the west (unharrassed) and then returning all the men and equipment the Red Army had captured since Stalingrad.

That would have been worse than nuts, and Stalin would have shot the Field Marshal who pulled such a stunt.

That’s what these 7 did, and we’ll be dealing with Roe v. Wade for at least another generation, thanks to them.

And, because of Roe v. Wade, we may only be able to choose from PRO-DEATH Doctors in the not too distant future.

Remember, we’re due a persecution. This might just be the flash point…

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
"…A Washington-based interfaith religious group is apologizing for comments made by some of its members that compared a conservative Christian group to the Gestapo and the Taliban.

The letter of apology released Thursday by the president of The Interfaith Alliance said the comments made in May about the group Focus on the Family were inappropriate for public dialogue.

“We regret that personal opinions expressed by individuals have been viewed as, associated with or confused with the organizational voice of The Interfaith Alliance,” the Rev. C. Welton Gaddy wrote.

Clergymen representing the alliance denounced Focus on the Family for criticizing Democratic U.S. Sen. Ken Salazar’s support of the Senate filibuster for federal judges.

Rev. Peter Morales, head of the public policy commission of The Interfaith Alliance, called Focus on the Family’s stance “the actions of an American Taliban, of reactionary, religious zealots.”

“This, my friends, is the Gestapo,” added the Rev. Bill Kirton, a United Methodist minister, referring to the secret Nazi police during World War II.

Tom Minnery, vice president of Focus on the Family, criticized the remarks, saying, “If they had an intellectual argument, they’d use it, but the left is without argument, so they resort to name-calling. That demeans the process.”

We all can be involved in the stopping the killing the unborn along with all the issues we suport or oppose in our country.

Righ to life and social justice will only happen with our involvement
in the political process.

I personelly let my state and federal elected representatives know my position in support of both issues on a regular basses by email to each one of them.

There are many good christian groups that can help keep us informed when our assistance is needed on these critical issues.

Please stay informed and make your stand on these important issues to your state and federal representives!
Email them or call them! We can make a difference!

God bless,
Funny how they would like to call it ‘choice’ and then say a doctor would be required to perform and elective ‘surgery’.

In Christ - J.M.J.
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