Where does the bible say that Eve died?
It doesn’t (though the Bible does record Adam’s lifespan).Where does the bible say that Eve died?
I cannot assume; I need to know. God only said that to Adam, but to Eve he said otherwise.Assuming that Eve would share the same final fate as Adam:
Genesis 17:19
By the sweat of your face shall you get bread to eat, Until you return to the ground, from which you were taken: For you are dirt, and to dirt you shall return.
The Bible doesn’t mention Eve’s death . . . so the best anyone can do is speculate.I cannot assume; I need to know. God only said that to Adam, but to Eve he said otherwise.
My observation is a little off topic, but don’t some Mormons believe that the apostle John is still alive based on John 21:20-23?Where does the bible say that Eve died?
That’s why we should show to our own selves and to God that we really want hell to be empty and for all creation to go back to the Creator. That’s why we should try and try and try to do God’s Will. We should inspire and help others do God’s Will. Even to the devils who temp us, instead of driving them away, TALK TO THE DEVILS!!! TELL THE DEVIL, YOU DEVILS HAVE SUFFERED A LOT!!! WITHOUT US HUMAN BEINGS, YOU WILL BE DESTROYED IN THE FIRES OF HELL!!!.. BUT WITH THE HELP OF US HUMAN BEINGS, YOU JUST MIGHT BE SPARED THE DESTRUCTION PREPARED FOR YOU. STOP TEMPTING PEOPLE TO DISOBEY GOD!!! INSTEAD HELP PEOPLE OBEY GOD!!! TELL THESE TO YOUR OTHER DEVILS!!! STOP TEMPTING PEOPLE TO DISOBEY GOD. TELL THEM TO HELP PEOPLE OBEY GOD!!! WHO KNOWS, JUST AS IN THE BOOK OF JONAH, GOD JUST MIGHT NOT UNLEASH THE DESTRUCTION PROPHECIED FOR YOU - IF YOU REPENT AND GO THE ROUTE OF GO SIN NO MORE!!!… The only difficulty with using this to prove that Eve died is that, when the verse is interpreted this way, you run into the theory that Hell is empty (because ‘all will be made alive’), which is, as far as I know, not approved by the Church.