Where in the Bible does it mention pergatory?

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I’m not a catholic, but I was talking to one of my catholic friends. She was trying to explain to me the whole catholic faith. But she couldnt really get across the whole orgin of pergatory.
Thanx for the help!!
Here is a couple of links from Catholic Answers about purgaory:catholic.com/library/purgatory.asp

And from the Catholic Encyclopedia:newadvent.org/cathen/12575a.htm

These two pages will explain alot on the Catholic basis for purgatory. This includes passages from the Bible (including books deleted from the Protestant versions of the Bible).

All links were taken from the following thread:

I hope these help.

Hey maybe I’m just thick,

Or my computer’s really slow but those websites didnt really show me where in the Bible there’s pergatory.
Thank You! Love Always Your Sister In Christ.
Purgatory comes from a few statements. I can’t get them or the sources off the top of my head but…the first is that “nothing unclean shall enter Heaven.” If we have sinned, then we are thereby unclean. Purgatory cleans sus up and lets us in. Also, in the Maccabees (sp) one of the most supportive quotes about the existence of Purgatory is something to the extent of “it is a good and wholesome thought that you pray for the dead that they might be loosed from their sins.” If they are in Heaven, then they have no sins as they must be clean to get in. I don’t hear much of people praying to get others out of Hell. Also, at the end of John there is the passage saying that Jesus did and said many other things that were not recorded. In the various letters, and in Acts etc Paul on numerous occassions asks his disciples to pray for him after his death. Again, if he were in Heaven there’d be no point. If he were in Hell, then I DOUBT there’d be a point. And thus Purgatory exists. It’s also taught so much that I ASSUME it’s been infallibly taught or whatnot, and also there have been visions and apparitions mentioning purgatory.


This is a prayer for those in Purgatory. Jesus told this prayer to St. Gertrude the Great. And Jesus don’t lie. 😉 Hope I’ve helped!
Hey maybe I’m just thick, Or my computer’s really slow but those websites didnt really show me where in the Bible there’s pergatory. Thank You! Love Always Your Sister In Christ.April
Here are some Bible verse which indicate a state of purification after death:

Matt. 12:32 - “It shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.” (Where in the “world to come” can you be forgiven? A: Purgatory.)

1 Cor 3:15 - "If any man’s work is burned up, he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as through fire*."***

1 Peter 3:19 - "By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison…" (Spirits in prison = souls in purgatory).
You are not blind or anything like that.

Ok, so you are saying where does it mention “purgatory”? The Bible NEVER says the word “purgatory”. Purgatory is an English-Latin word.

You really need to read this mentioned earlier by Chickamauga:


And look at the explaination as to where we get the word Purgatory. Where do we get the word “Communion”? [as in we are taking communion ie. eating a small piece of bread and drinking some grape juice that is a memoriam for what Christ did; a fundamental Protestant view of the Body and Blood of Christ; which is not the Catholic or Early Church Father idea]

I hope you understand now what we are saying. You are saying, from what we understand, where is the word example]?

we are saying, here is the idea example].

Hope this helps…
*Also, in the Maccabees (sp) one of the most supportive quotes about the existence of Purgatory is something to the extent of “it is a good and wholesome thought that you pray for the dead that they might be loosed from their sins.” If they are in Heaven, then they have no sins as they must be clean to get in. I don’t hear much of people praying to get others out of Hell. *

Correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t think that the King James Bible includes this book. April, if you want to check it out in mine, just ask me at school. It’s an awesome passage, especially in support of Purgatory.

In Him,
Will do Brittany! Thanks Luv!
Luv Always Your Sister In Christ,
Nope, no Maccabees/whatever in Protestant books. Catholic only benefit:D
Hey maybe I’m just thick,

Or my computer’s really slow but those websites didnt really show me where in the Bible there’s pergatory.
Thank You! Love Always Your Sister In Christ.
Actually…you won’t find certain words in any bible…Protestant or Catholic Version. Yet the basis of Christian belief is held from the beginning of the church. The Trinity is another example. Protestants believe in the Trinity, as handed down from the church from the beginning. Yet the actual word, and teaching on the Trinity is NOT in the Bible. 😉

Purgatory is just another one of those words for a teaching which has always been held to by the church. It has stronge biblical defense for it and 2000 years of unbroken belief in it as an apostolic teaching direct from the Apostles, but the actual word is NOT in the bible.
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