JMM08: Thanks for the advice. I think that Bishop Sheen used to be the Bishop for Rochester which is also nearby. Praying is very good advice.
Yes. He was Bishop of Rochester. See
Bishop Sheen said when he was a child, he was the “Prince of Wails” (which is why he was often sent to the Fulton home).
Bishop Sheen enthusiastically drew strength from his daily “Holy Hour”.
Bishop Sheen reveals in his “How to Talk” telecast that before each talk he goes into the chapel, kneels down before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, and prays the following prayer.
Bishop Sheen’s Prayer: “Give me strength, tonight, to speak Thy Truth, that Thou mayest be known, not me; the power to make others love Thee, but not that I may be loved. Instill in those who listen to me a love of Thee, so that there may not be only truth communicated but also a love of that truth.”
Bishop Sheen died on December 9, in his chapel before the Blessed Sacrament.
“Of all the pulpits from which human voice is ever sent forth, there is none from which it reaches so far as from the grave.” – John Ruskin, The Seven Lamps of Architecture, 1849
I am convinced that Bishop Sheen prays his prayer any time somebody watches him on a re-broadcast (EWTN) or any time somebody is reading one of his books.
Bishop Sheen strongly believed that miracles happen (I do too).
If you want more details of what Bishop Sheen did for me, see my post at Catholic Answers Forums > Forums > Spirituality > Bishop Sheen (a Saint? – a Miracle?) – July 21, 2004.
In 1950 Cardinal Spellman named Fulton Sheen to head the American branch of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. He is still working towards that end.
In New York State and in much of the United States, we are so ready for a miracle from God. To revive this nation we must each begin with ourselves. Don’t move somewhere else geographically unless God leads you there. Instead we can each move ourrselves spiritually closer to God.
Another private miracle from Bishop Sheen: August 2, just before going to sleep, I prayed some “Our Fathers” and “Hail Marys”. I tried to remember, but I couldn’t remember St. Augustine’s name (he had prayed “Give me chastity and continence, but not yet.”) So instead I prayed to and reminded Bishop Sheen that he said “and who in the name of God has not [sin]?” - his “Suffering” telecast. And I asked Bishop Sheen how he was able to get over sin in his life. With my eyes still closed and without delay, the instant reply was a very dim and very brief red flash of light. It looked like the small red light near the front of my Catholic Church Sanctuary. My mind knew the answer right away. Bishop Sheen made a Holy Hour before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament each day (Eucharistic Adoration).