Friends: Had an exchange with my non-believing BIL recently. He told one of my teen sons very recently, he “would not be interested in going to church, not in a million years…” After I invited him with us recently. Also, he is a race car driver, and hubby and one teen son in particular, have gone to see him race his car several times. Son says he uses profanity up to yin yang. I asked him recently, very gently, if he could try to watch it around our son, that we are attempting to raise our children up in a Christian manner. Yikes. Well, what a chance to “witness” to him after 18 years of marriage. A little scary actually. Friends, he is a lost man, with a numerous string of ladies. Told him how God only wants the best for his life, and if he didn’t have a Bible, I would like to get one for him. Of course he never responded. As I am the only Catholic here, my hubby, (his brother) is a Prot. if you can call it that, well actually a fence sitter who hates church, but well, at least he attends for the sake of our boys. My question: what Bible should I get him? He probably frowns on me, his SIL, now a Catholic, etc.,
Which Bible do you all think might be the best one for a man? I was thinkin maybe a Men’s Devotional Bible. But there are no Catholic ones. Why not? I do ask. Most pitiful. If I get him one without all the books Prots took out, then what is that saying? Please help me on this one friends.
Which Bible do you all think might be the best one for a man? I was thinkin maybe a Men’s Devotional Bible. But there are no Catholic ones. Why not? I do ask. Most pitiful. If I get him one without all the books Prots took out, then what is that saying? Please help me on this one friends.