Which Catholic prayers am I not allowed to pray?

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The only prayer I’m aware of is the Saint Michael exorcism …the short prayer itself is fine.
In regards to spiritual warfare a lay person is not allowed to say Rite of Exorcism. As far as I know anything else should be fine. It should be warned that one should be careful getting too far into this stuff and should develop a very close relationship with your priest and follow their direction.

Of course you can pray the Confiteor and Kyrie! The people in the congregation frequently pray them at mass, so why would you think you aren’t allowed to pray them privately?
The Confiteor is the ‘I confess’ prayer we say at Mass, the Kyrie prayer, I assume, is the ‘Lord have mercy’ prayer so I’m not sure what’s got you wondering about these.

As red baron said, all we are to avoid are the exorcism prayers, as we’re potentially playing with fire.
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Is it just the exorcism prayer and consecration?
The only sure thing here is the Eucharistic prayer of consecration, which by virtue of it being a Sacrament that it can only be performed/confected by a validly ordained priest.
I don’t think there’s an issue with that one. I mean, we basically say them during the Creed every day at mass.
Oh my goodness… Thank God he made me discover this forum and questions such as this. I had no idea there existed prayers we are no allowed to pray! So thanks for asking!

So much to learn I have…
Simulation of a sacrament is not allowed. You are not permitted to absolve or appear to be absolving a sinner. However, it may come to pass that you come upon a dying man and aid him in making an Act of Perfect Contrition while waiting for a priest. If the penitent starts confessing his sins, you are bound by the same obligation as a priest never to divulge or otherwise use that information against him, even though you have no power to absolve him.
I heard an exorcist say you can say deliverance prayers, just not the solemn rite of exorcism. If you want to say prayers for your children to get Satan away from them, you can do this because you have authority as a parent to do so.
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