1531 AD: THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND/ANGLICAN CHURCH, was started by King Henry VIII who placed himself as Supreme Head of the Church in England because the Pope had refused to grant him an annulment of his marriage with Queen Catherine of Aragon, so that he could be free to marry his lover Ann Boleyn. In 1534 the English parliament passed a series of Acts severing links with Rome and forced all English clergy to recognise King Henry VIII as Head of the Church of England.
1533 AD: CALVANISTS from a French lawyer John Calvin who broke away from the Catholic Church after a religious experience in which he believed that he had received a mission to restore the Church to it’s original purity. In 1536 he accepted an invitation to go to Geneva to establish a Christian state based upon the Bible, Calvin had a strong doctrine of predestination, believing that God predestined some souls to go to heaven and the others to hell.
The PRESBYTERIAN, CONGREGATIONALIST (now combined in to The UNITED REFORMED CHURCH) and the DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH take their inspiration from Calvin’s concept of Reformed Christianity.
1612 AD: BAPTIST CHURCH founded in London (U.K) under the leadership of Thomas Elwys, the Baptists believed that only ‘born again’ or committed Christians could be baptised; hence infant baptism was invalid, since the infant could not make a conscious act of commitment to Christ.
1738 AD: THE METHODIST CHURCH began with John Wesley an Anglican clergyman who experienced conversion, and becomes a phenomenally successful out door preacher, especially to the new poor of the industrial revolution. He founded a group of like minded lay preachers, but ran in to trouble with the Church of England when he ordained a Bishop without official authority in the U.S.A. the followers of Wesley are called Methodists a nickname given to Wesley when he was at Oxford.
1870 AD: THE OLD CATHOLIC CHURCH a group of Catholics break away from Rome because they can not accept the universal jurisdiction and the infallibility of the Pope. They joined the CHURCH OF UTRECHT (divided from Rome in 1774) and small groups of Slavic origin.
1900 AD: THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH began with a group of American Protestant Christians that believed that they can receive the same gifts of the Holy Spirit as the first Christians received, in particular the gift of healing and speaking in tongues. First the American ‘HOLINESS CHURCHES’ and later the ASEMBLIES OF GOD and denominations such as the INTERNATIONA CHURCH OF THE FORESQUARE GOSPEL are founded.
(Source: Faith Alive)
Yours in the Spirit