Which Movie Based on the Life of Christ is Your Favourite?

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Out of the four following movies based on the life of Christ, which one is your favourite and you can give reasons in following posts. Also, if there are other movies that you like that are not listed, feel free to let me know.
I picked Jesus of Nazareth, I own it along with King of Kings and Greatest Story…all good films but Jesus of Nazareth is the bomb.

I saw the Passion of the Christ 3 times in the theatres it was so good, but Jesus of Nazareth covered so much of Jesus’ earthly ministry…I have to rank it higher.

I would love to see what Gibson could do with the birth of Jesus and His 3 1/2 years ministry…

Go Jesus, Go Jesus…:bowdown:
Out of the four following movies based on the life of Christ, which one is your favourite and you can give reasons in following posts. Also, if there are other movies that you like that are not listed, feel free to let me know.
i like Jesus of Nazareth the best because like Sojournerof78 said it cover’s alot of christ’s life. The actor Robert Powell portrays Jesus really well in the movie. I thought it was an excellent movie.
I also like the passion of the christ too, but if more of christ’s life was in it then just the passion, then it would outrank Jesus Of Nazareth.

Uncle feanaro, i have a question, why is Jesus of Nazareth your favourite?( if your wondering why i used uncle because im his nephew Podo the hobbit who lost the ring and frodo found it and i couldn’t get it back because it got melted:mad: 😉 )

:blessyou: Podo The Hobbit:D :bounce: :dancing: :whacky: :rotfl:lol
I picked Jesus of Nazareth, I own it along with King of Kings and Greatest Story…all good films but Jesus of Nazareth is the bomb.

I saw the Passion of the Christ 3 times in the theatres it was so good, but Jesus of Nazareth covered so much of Jesus’ earthly ministry…I have to rank it higher.

I would love to see what Gibson could do with the birth of Jesus and His 3 1/2 years ministry…

Go Jesus, Go Jesus…:bowdown:
My favorite is Jesus of Nazareth and years ago when I bought it for $89.00 and never realized how much I would watch it. On a good week I see part 2 or 3 five out of seven days. The scripture is great. I will probably watch the Passion but not quite as often. The other two choices I own but am sorry I purchased them. because after watching them three or four times I have found there are scriptures used that are twisted. Like how the Protestants twist the bible. So it has kind of led me to believe they are not worth watching.

Interestingly enough when I bought the Passion today I was handed my very own free copy of Jesus Christ Super Star. My mother would have rolled in her grave knowing I took it, but I pitched it in the garbage as I walked by on my way out. What a contrast!
I picked Jesus of Nazareth, although the Passion is a close second. There are several reasons. First of all, although I think everyone should see the Passion to fully understand the suffering Christ endured for us, it is also very hard to watch. During Lent and when you may be struggling with sin is perfect for the Passion. On the other hand, seeing Christ’s whole life really makes you appreciate His whole ministry and how he touched peoples lives. Jesus of Nazareth is so accurate in my opinion that it is almost like watching the Gospels.

Secondly, although Jim Caviezel (sp?) did an excellant job, I still think Robert Powell was even more convincing. Lastly, I have to say that I was a bit disappointed with the way Mary was portrayed in the Passion. The cut scenes were excellant but she barely cried during the whole process:confused: . The Mary in Jesus of Nazareth was far better in my opinion.
Out of the four following movies based on the life of Christ, which one is your favourite and you can give reasons in following posts. Also, if there are other movies that you like that are not listed, feel free to let me know.
I love Franco Zefirelli’s “Jesus of Nazareth,” but after watching “The Passion of the Christ” I don’t think I will ever be able to be satisfied with any movie on Jesus. Gibson’s movie was too powerful and it was nearly impossible to ignore its spiritual and emotional impact on the viewer.

Antonio 🙂
All this talk about it is making me want to pop Jesus of Nazareth in the VCR…

Maybe we should start a thread on favorite scenes from Jesus of Nazareth…I would like to hear favorite scenes
All this talk about it is making me want to pop Jesus of Nazareth in the VCR…

Maybe we should start a thread on favorite scenes from Jesus of Nazareth…I would like to hear favorite scenes
You post it and I will post mine on it.🙂
I voted for “Jesus of Nazareth” because I can watch it over and over again and my kids can watch it too. Of course “The Passion” was incredibly powerful, and although we bought it, I will probably only be able to watch it @ once a year, during Lent.
I bought Jesus of Nazareth on VHS and now on DVD. IMHO this is the best movie made about the life of Jesus. Plus it has a world class cast.

I used to go on a yearly retreat at a Jesuit Retreat House and we always watched scenes from Jesus of Nazareth and then had a discussion session on the content.
Based on the question posed in the Title, the Passion of the Christ does not fit as it is not really the Life of Christ.

My vote is for one that is not on the list, Ben Hur.
Though I voted for The Passion, Jesus of Nazareth is the most accurate of all, IMO.

Another, which was made for TV, “Jesus” with Jermy Sisto was a rather ‘modern version’, but I liked the part where we are taken to Jesus’ childhood and we saw Jesus laughing and dancing…it showed a very human Jesus…maybe too much for some…
I voted for Jesus of Nazereth, only because I haven’t seen the Passion yet (I think I’m the only Human who hasn’t seen it yet) I did buy the Passion today on DVD, I can’t wait to see it. Jesus of Naz. is very good, it covers a lot, Its a little long but very good. Good poll!!! :yup: :clapping: :tiphat: 👋
Based on the question posed in the Title, the Passion of the Christ does not fit as it is not really the Life of Christ.

My vote is for one that is not on the list, Ben Hur.
Correct me if I’m wrong…and only having seen parts of Ben Hur. However, isn’t Ben Hur not about the life of Christ at all (nor anything else Biblical) but about the life of…well…Ben Hur. With our Lord only making a few cameo’s in which we do not even see him. Whereas I felt that although The Passion was not about Christ’s whole life, it was about one of the most significant parts of his life.
I voted for Jesus of Nazereth, only because I haven’t seen the Passion yet (I think I’m the only Human who hasn’t seen it yet) I did buy the Passion today on DVD, I can’t wait to see it. Jesus of Naz. is very good, it covers a lot, Its a little long but very good. Good poll!!! :yup: :clapping: :tiphat: 👋
After watching it, you might be more dizzy than ever!

Antonio 🙂
Good question! I’m a bit of a personal rating maniac–I even break down my preferences to categories!

My favorite life of Chirst movie was not even listed! That one is the Gospel According to St. Matthew. Made in 1962 (I first saw it in 1965, and now have the video for it), it was shot in black and white without professional actors, and the words all came from that gospel–not the whole thing, but no other words were used.).
The Passion of the Christ is the first one since that could give it a close run for my favorite. That film was a work of genius. My quibbles are very minor. I would have had Pilate and the high priests speaking to each other in Greek, the lingua franca of the eastern Roman Empire. I doubt if Pilate would have known or bothered to have learned Hebrew. And while the scourging of Jesus was certainly very brutal, it would have killed Him or rendered Him incapable of walking, let alone of carrying a heavy cross, if it had been as horrific as shown.
Interestingly, these two films were not produced by perfectly orthodox believers. Gibson’s orthodoxy is open to question, and Pasolini was, irony of ironies, a Communist!
**Jesus of Nazareth **was a fine production as well. Very long, but I do not mind length if the quality is there, and it was there.
**Jesus, **with Jeremy Sisto playing Jesus, was a movie-length TV production which impressed me a lot. I taped it off TV to keep.
**King of Kings **and **The Greatest Story Ever Told **I cared for very little–much too Hollywoodish. The apostles looked SO neat and tidy! The Pasolini movie showed them as the rugged working class men they really were.
**Others–**Movies like Jesus Christ Superstar and Godspell, while they are about Jesus, are really not to be compared to the above films. The songs were very good, and the films are better regarded as entertainment than as stories of Christ.
Correct me if I’m wrong…and only having seen parts of Ben Hur. However, isn’t Ben Hur not about the life of Christ at all (nor anything else Biblical) but about the life of…well…Ben Hur. With our Lord only making a few cameo’s in which we do not even see him. Whereas I felt that although The Passion was not about Christ’s whole life, it was about one of the most significant parts of his life.
Its as much the Life of Christ as the Passion of the Christ is.
Its as much the Life of Christ as the Passion of the Christ is.

Do you say this because the eastern rite do not put so much emphasis on the suffering as in the glorious?


Do you say this because the eastern rite do not put so much emphasis on the suffering as in the glorious?

Shoshana (nice name),
Yes I do think this but not as that applies to this question.

I do not think that the Passion of the Christ is a true protrayal of the life of Christ. It is about the Crucifixion of Christ.

I have seen it, I actually waited till Great and Holy Week to see it. Great and Holy Friday (Good Friday) to see it. I was able to take a half day from work to see it. I have shared this before but during the movie I suffered one of the worst migranes I have ever had. Since then tough I have been migrane free.

The movie was good but I will not buy it and do not think I will see it again as the Byzantine Great and Holy Week liturgical services fulfill this experience for me in a greater way than the movie ever could.

The movie Ben Hur shows the birth of Christ and then the Crucifixion. It also shows what happens after the Crucifixion. So in someways it shows more of the life of Christ than the Passion of the Christ does.
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