Good question! I’m a bit of a personal rating maniac–I even break down my preferences to categories!
My favorite life of Chirst movie was not even listed! That one is the Gospel According to St. Matthew. Made in 1962 (I first saw it in 1965, and now have the video for it), it was shot in black and white without professional actors, and the words all came from that gospel–not the whole thing, but no other words were used.).
The Passion of the Christ is the first one since that could give it a close run for my favorite. That film was a work of genius. My quibbles are very minor. I would have had Pilate and the high priests speaking to each other in Greek, the lingua franca of the eastern Roman Empire. I doubt if Pilate would have known or bothered to have learned Hebrew. And while the scourging of Jesus was certainly very brutal, it would have killed Him or rendered Him incapable of walking, let alone of carrying a heavy cross, if it had been as horrific as shown.
Interestingly, these two films were not produced by perfectly orthodox believers. Gibson’s orthodoxy is open to question, and Pasolini was, irony of ironies, a Communist!
**Jesus of Nazareth **was a fine production as well. Very long, but I do not mind length if the quality is there, and it was there.
**Jesus, **with Jeremy Sisto playing Jesus, was a movie-length TV production which impressed me a lot. I taped it off TV to keep.
**King of Kings **and **The Greatest Story Ever Told **I cared for very little–much too Hollywoodish. The apostles looked SO neat and tidy! The Pasolini movie showed them as the rugged working class men they really were.
**Others–**Movies like Jesus Christ Superstar and Godspell, while they are about Jesus, are really not to be compared to the above films. The songs were very good, and the films are better regarded as entertainment than as stories of Christ.