For years I have been doing the NFP method where I take my temperature daily and chart it. However lately I have been getting up at all different hours because one of my children needs this or that and I also do a little travelling for work and have been in different time zones. So all this has thrown off my ability to take my temperature at the same time everyday.
I think I need to check out other methods but I really don’t know which one. I read stuff on the web but I find it all so confusing.
Also I track my menstrual cycle and have found I’ve gone from a regular 30 day cycle to an erratic cyle of 26 days to 36 days and everything in between. So I’m really having trouble knowing when I’m really ovulating.
Does anyone have any advise?
I think I need to check out other methods but I really don’t know which one. I read stuff on the web but I find it all so confusing.
Also I track my menstrual cycle and have found I’ve gone from a regular 30 day cycle to an erratic cyle of 26 days to 36 days and everything in between. So I’m really having trouble knowing when I’m really ovulating.
Does anyone have any advise?