Which of these would you consider “Rad Trads”

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F. Opus Dei
G. Verbo Encarnado
H. Order of Malta
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I don’t know all the groups you listed but here what I noticed is often common among RadTrads people.
Sedevacantist or borderline sedevacantist, Latin Mass only/Communion on the tongue only/women veiling, anti-Pope Francis, anti-Vatican II, Fr. James Martin seen as the devil, usually exclusive homeschooling, often buy into conspiracy theories (plandemic, vaccine is a way for Gates/Soros to control the world etc), see Trump as the savior of US, often their ‘prophets’ have a controversial Twitter account.
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What’s your definition of “Rad Trad”? Without knowing that, any answer given might be due to differing definitions.
I think “rad trads” is a term better applied to individuals than to entire groups.
I don’t have definition. Im trying to find out what other people think counts as rad trad.

Im assuming “trad” and”rad trad” are not the same, so where does the border lie?
The border lies in perception.

Most people who consider or perceive themselves as liking traditional things don’t necessarily call themselves trads, traditionalists, etc. As the Bard said, they more or less have the label, “Thrust upon them” by others. Some people may, among their family and friends, or if pushed often enough on a site like this, may start defending perceived attacks, be ‘labeled’, and then choose to accept the label by believing that if they show themselves to be ‘normal’ in so many other ways and to have ‘common ground’ with people who are unsure of ‘traditionalist’ or even those who actively condemn them, that they might then ‘soften the hearts’ and help ‘redefine’ the perceptions to give a clearer view.

For it is true that there has been a loud minority of people who constantly reiterate their ‘perceptions’ of traditionalists in a ost disapproving and disparaging way, by labeling the entire view and all who can be ‘labeled’ as divisive, rigid, hateful, anti-Pope-Francis, medievalists, oppressive, sexist, racist, hypocritical, and just plain abnormal and mean.

And then it just degenerates into a constant name calling, anecdotal, “My perception is right, yours is wrong’, mean-spirited (often on both sides) fight.

Because people ARE individuals.
And then there are trolls who love to stir pots.
And people who simply cannot do a ‘both-and’ attitude. They cannot find room in the Church for ‘both’ traditionalists and modernists, both the EF and the OF, both those who love aspects of the Faith that are considered to belong to a particular culture, time, or worldview—and to have them ALL be seen as part of the Church.

And honestly, again my perception, too often on these forums, it is not the ‘traditionalists’ so called who are calling down the thunder on ‘everybody else’ and refusing to consider ‘both-and’. It is the ones loudly blaming “traddies’ for all the world’s evils while thanking God that they are not like ‘those people’, THEY love Pope Francis (like trads don’t), THEY are obedient to Church teaching (like trads aren’t), THEY don’t go around ‘standing out’ with Latin and veils (like guitars, felt banners, and V signs for the sign of peace don’t ‘stand out’ to a lot of our fellow Christians even more). . .

Look, both ‘sides’ have individuals that are extremist. But the extremes aren’t the ‘normal.
F. Opus Dei
G. Verbo Encarnado
H. Order of Malta
Only SSPV, and I have just a little hesitation about that, as the SSPV is just a slightly ramped-up version of the SSPX, and they treat sede vacante as an open question. That’s fairly tame, as dissident traditionalists go. Not advocating what they do, just stating the fact.

I have no idea who IBP, Verbo Encarnado, and KSC even are.
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A and B: absolutely yes
C, D and E: borderline, they are defimitely ”trads”, I just don’t know about the ”rad” part. Some of their followers are for sure.
F and H: No.
G and I: I don’t know enough of them.
I think Rad Trad has most to do with how a person judges fellow Catholics’ practice of Catholicism.
Why would you describe the FSSP as “rad trad”? OP was not about their ‘followers’.
Yes, thankyou. Im the OP and I confirm Im asking about the actual organisation and its members, not the people who happen to show up at their Masses.
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I have no idea who IBP, Verbo Encarnado, and KSC even are .
IBP = Institut du Bon Pasteur
Verbo Encarnado = The Institute of the Incarnate Word which includes the Siervants of Our Lord and Our Lady of Matara. It’s one of the fastest growing religious orders, coming out of Argentina
KSC = Knights of Saint Columbus, the largest Catholic men’s organization in the US.
I think Rad Trad has most to do with how a person judges fellow Catholics’ practice of Catholicism.
I don’t agree with that definition. I think the radical in “rad trad” is about how you recognise the deep crisis of faith the Church is experiencing and especially what should be done to mitigate it. True, some trads can seem quite judgmental, but that’s not why they’re radical. 😉
Isn’t this thread just a perfect target for a flame war? I ask @camoderator to reconsider about the veredict about the OP.
F. Opus Dei
G. Verbo Encarnado
H. Order of Malta
There are only two types of Catholic - those in a state of grace and those in a state of mortal sin.
That is really offensive terminology.

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