Which Ratzinger books are most essential?

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I know there are many a Ratzinger fan here on the forums.

My hubby and I would like to add some of his writing to our collection. I’ll probably buy some books for Christmas.

Which are the best reads? your favorites? Let’s say I wanted to buy 2-3 books. Which 2-3 would you recommend?


Happy All Saints Day!
I read “Introduction to Christianity” it is deep theology and hard reading but well worth the effort. I have been told that now that part of the “hard read” is caused by translation and now that he is Pope, future translations will be easier for American’s to absorb. This is my only experience.
Definitely put [Salt of the Earth (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/t...f=sr_1_7/102-3474117-0846502?v=glance&s=books) and [God and the World (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/t...=sr_1_14/102-3474117-0846502?v=glance&s=books) on the list. Both are interviews he gave to Peter Seeward. Read both in that order since Salt was the first interview is a more general inteview. It is also easier to read.

I am thinking of getting a couple more of his books. My leading choices are:
I think his best is GOD IS NEAR US: The Eucharist The Heart of Life. I really enjoy that one.
I just bought, “Behold the Pierced One”…I will let you know how it is.
Roman Catholic Books seems to favor “The Ratzinger Report,” which I’ve been reading off and on. The Pope wrote this - it’s actually an interview - 20 years ago. He nails every thing from modernism to misinterpreting Vatican II. It’s a good book to have.
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