Which saint is best?

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In the battle of spiritual warfare which saint 's intercession would be best?
All of them because they are in heaven and they are all equal. I pray for Saint Francis’s of Assisi intersesion because he is my confrimation saint, but there are so many. Pick one or all or anything between.
i think it depends on your intentions. all saints are equal, they are all saints.
Any saint would be best, any prayers at all desirable. Personally I’d pray for Saint Michael the Archangel’s intercession in spiritual warfare though, likely because I share his wonderful name: “Who is like unto God?”
St Teresa of Avila. Any woman who chases the devil out of her convent with her broom, has my vote for fearlessness in the face of evil.
Mary, of course, the Queen of the Saints.
Acording to Fr. Amorth’s book on exorcisms (he works as an exorcist for the Vatica) appeals to Mary, the mother of Jesus are the most powerful. Nothing works like a rosary!

But all saints are powerful intercessors for combatting evil. Padre Pio; the archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael; St. Francis of Assisi, and Teresa of Avila have been particularly associated with this cause.

Faustina occasionally had visions of devils and she would use the Divine Mercy Chaplet as her weapon of choice.
viktor aleksndr:
i think it depends on your intentions. all saints are equal, they are all saints.
All saints are not equal. Some are holier than others and some have more glory than others.
Spiritual warfare? Michael, of course, as well as George–a soldier of God (and the patron of Scouts…that’s why thatt’s one of my confirmation names!)

May the God of all Grace sustain us in battles of the spirit.

Mary, of course, is the Queen of Saints. However, I lose so many things that I talk to St. Anthony every day. I also pray for intercession from St. Theresa , St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Peregrine, St. Anne, St. Joseph, and St. Michael. My list gets longer the more I listen to Catholic radio.

I don’t think I would use the word best. They are all good and holy and close to God, but I do think that if we think about why they became a saint it really helps to know who you would like to intercede for you.
Dear friend

Before the intercession of any Saint, Jesus even spoken to call on His Holy Name in faith and trust will bind from you satan and all evil spirits…however to answer your question…
  1. The Holy Blessed Virgin Mother of God, Mary (her Rosary crushes satan)
  2. St Joseph (He protected the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary and Jesus from all evil and was forewarned of evil by God through the message of Angels in dreams)
  3. St Michael the Archangel (He cast out satan and all the other fallen angels from heaven)
  4. St Padre Pio (He fought mentally, spiritually and physically with satan)
  5. St Anthony (He fought mentally, physically and spiritually with satan.)
  6. All of the Saints and saints…every Christian fights mentally and spiritually with satan and for some it is a physical fight also, because they either visually see him or they are physically attacked by him)
Take care not to be deceived.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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