Who are the Defenders of the Church these days?

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I know that during the later years of the Reformation that the Jesuits were strong defenders of the Church and its faith. However, nowadays it’s a lot more difficult to determine who are the scholarly defenders of the Church. Do the Jesuits still heavily engage themselves in apologetic activity? If so, why are there seemingly so few books by modern Jesuits written in defense of the Catholic faith?

Maybe I’m just over-reacting; but it does seem that most of the modern Catholic apologists are lay people–and in most cases, converts. While this is all right, sometimes I become concerned because these individuals are not necessarily “scholarly” experts on what they defend. Many say so in their own introductions. I have recently purchased St. Francis de Sales’ collection of essays which defend the Catholic faith (gathered together in a book called The Catholic Controversy.) St. Francis, I feel, has a very concrete knowledge the Old and New Testament, as well as Church history. Does anyone know of other apologetic works which rank with St. Francis’ works? Perhaps any by Jesuits or Dominicans–the two “scholarly” orders of the Church?
We are the Defenders of the Catholic faith 🙂

We the laity, we the Church hierarchy, we Catholics of all stripes.
BobCatholic said:
We are the Defenders of the Catholic faith 🙂

We the laity, we the Church hierarchy, we Catholics of all stripes.

Beat me to it! 😃
The Barrister:
Beat me to it! 😃
NO . . . . beat*** ME*** to it!!!

Well said amigo!!

“Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ” - St. Jerome
Yes, I know that we are defenders of the Catholic faith. But most of us don’t know the ancient languages and the cultural histories of the Jews and Greeks. What I meant was, who are the Catholic masterminds behind defending the faith?
Yes, I know that we are defenders of the Catholic faith. But most of us don’t know the ancient languages and the cultural histories of the Jews and Greeks. What I meant was, who are the Catholic masterminds behind defending the faith?
watch, listen, observe: who is being attacked by the dissidents and heretics in the Church? who is being persecuted for upholding magesterial teaching? who is suffering all the ailments of old age with grace and dignity amid clamor that he should retire? who is continually fighting lawsuits from the enemies of life and human dignity? Who is being targeted and killed for the faith around the world? You will see names like Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope John Paul II, courageous bishops in this country and around the world. You will also see lay people leading Catholic apostolates in apologetics, evangelization, communications, pro-life. You will also miss a lot of witness we will never see or know about–Catholics in China, the Phillipines, Iraq, the former Yugoslavia, the Sudan, all over Africa, as well as the “first world” nations that defend their faith daily against government, terrorism, Islamic jihad, and most of all against apostate Catholics in positions of influence and power in the Church.
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