Who are the "living saints" of today?

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This question refers to those individuals who have such a great mark of holiness that it shows itself in miraculous activities. I understand that there are probably thousands of “living saints,” both lay and religious, who are very much saints in third world countries, who are no less saints than the ones about which I am asking; but I’m really interested in knowing where the individuals are who perform wondrous miracles. For example, St. Padre Pio was known to have had the stigmata, and he also had the ability to bilocate, etc.

I don’t know too many of these people today. It seems that, unfortunately, many today are charlatans who pretend to have gifts, but who use these gifts to exploit others, or for their own fame. In my opinion, this is the case with some in the pentecostal movements, who claim to have the gift of healing.

Many saints of the Middle Ages are accredited with an enormous number of miracles. Although it is likely that not all these miracles have a foundation in truth, I believe it is likely that many miracles happened back then.

Now, as a final note: when I say “living saints,” I don’t necessarily mean someone who is as well-covered as Mother Theresa of Calcutta–nor do I refer to someone’s pious grandmother, who nobody has ever heard of, and who has not performed wondrous miracles (I do not doubt that such a person is a “living saint,” but that’s not the type I’m asking about here.)

So, the names of the people and where they’re from is most welcome. Although I am looking for Catholic saints, I would also be interested in hearing about any “living saints” of the Orthodox or Coptic Churches, since the holy men in those churches are also often known for miracles.

Thanks! 🙂
Can one be a saint for a day?

If not, then just take this as a story about what appeared to some as “miraculous” healing.

When I was falsely taken into custody in a psychiatric ward, I triggered what others might have thought was a miracle five minutes after I got there.

At the time I was so manic and so helpless that I honestly thought I was playing out the passion story in modern times. Practically the only words that were triggered by Christ. Even when they suddenly woke me up one time (after drugging me pretty heavily( I woke up with such a start that I jumped up and told the nurses, “I leave you peace, my peace I give you.”

In other words, I didn’t think I was Christ, but I thought I was certainly playing the same role. I remember most of it very clearly; it wasn’t like my brain wasn’t working, it was more like it shifted into “protected” mode because what was happening to me was so outrageous that all I could do is hope God would give me the right words. I did think I was the third Adam for a while, but I digress as usual.

Back to the story, as soon as I arrived in the ward I heard this strange noise from the other end of the hall, by the nurses’ station. Once the guards let me free, I walked over and saw a woman named Romanaetha or something (of course I took it as symbolic that her name included “Roman”) sitting in a chair looking as scared as anyone I’d ever seen, with aides around her taking her blood pressure and stuff, and she continuously spouted out that sound I had heard, kind of like, “LAdaLAdaLada,” increasing her tone each time someone touched her or approached her.

Since I thought I was Christ, I wondered whether I should have been able to interpret what she was saying. She looked afraid of me, but since I was sitting there and she was surrounded by staff I figured they could tell me to leave if they thought I were antagonizing her.

All of a sudden I heard some words imbedded in what she said, and she rolled her great big beady eyes toward me because I was looking right at her, and then, I heard “LADALADATODAYSTHEDAYLADALADA” and I was astounded. I looked around and nobody else seemed to notice she had changed her tune. When the staff saw me looking around, they said, “don’t worry about her. She never says anything else.” Strangely, I had pondered that “today was the day” that judgment was to begin over our oppressors, started with my passion. So I got to wondering if this lady was a mental case or a prophet – or both.

Undaunted by the staff’s dismissal of her (I honestly don’t know if others heard “today’s the day” or if they just missed it because the tone of voice didn’t change so it could have just sounded like a hiccup of sorts) I looked right at her, intently hoping to receive some prophecy that would help me figure out what I was supposed to do, and said, “What did you say?”

She got louder and more scared, and looked around at the others, then she looked right at me and started yelling, “you did it. You did it. You killed him. Oh you killed him.” and suddenly the whole ward got so agitated that there were suddenly lots of white coats escorting us to our rooms.

From down the hall I heard the staff arguing with her about medicine and other things. A couple hours later, she sat quietly and was able to speak coherently. A couple days later, when we were in a music therapy class, Romanaetha chose a song on my behalf, and apologized to me for thinking I was someone I was not the other day. I had no idea what she was talking about unless it was when she yelled that I killed “him” in which case that’s OK because I thought I was Jesus so whoever she was talking about, I was ready to take the blame. She turned out to be very wise indeed, and all in the ward had great respect for her.

My wild guess was all that yelling was just a cry to cover the confusion in her head and all around her, and that somehow when I asked her – as if I cared, not as if I needed something to fill in on the report – what she had said, somehow the actual suppressed memories found their way outward through her barrier. This is all speculation. I know she had been like that for several days, yelling nothing but nonsense, but one person asked honestly to understand her, and that triggered her healing.

Was that a miracle and was I a saint, or was I just a sinner being concerned over what she was trying to tell me and something inside her recognized that? I really don’t care either way, but it was probably the most beautiful thing I’d seen in my life.

It was within the next day that I was sure I saw indications the kingdom was being constructed and how it was being done, but a priest who visited me told me I mustn’t speak of such things. Shows how obedient I am; after four years of silence, I finally broke the story in detail. I feel like the people Jesus cured and told them not to say anything. Well gosh, it’s hard not to want to share such beauty, and I guarantee the kingdom of heaven as I saw it beginning, was beautiful. Of course this was probably all in my mind, but doesn’t something have to be in your mind before you can consciously play a role in bringing it into the physical world?

I believe one of these saints is Father Zlatko Sudac. He is very humble about having the Stigmata. He has been known to shed tears while giving homilies.

Deacon Tony
Mother Angelica.
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