Who did Christ send to you this week to help you?

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I was wondering if you can site any person who helped you, was kind to you, gave you some time, even smiled at you or made you feel loved or better this week. Please don’t give the name of the person, but I would love to hear your stories of how Christ sent someone to you this week to love you.

I was walking through the shopping centre in the place where I live and it was my daughter’s first day at school. I was a bit nervous for her and felt a bit lost to be honest without her. I sat down on a bench and a band was playing some music, it really lifted my spirits and they were nice guys who were playing the peruvian songs, they smiled and at me the end of the first song I clapped, which made them laugh! Then they drew quite a crowd and people came and sat on the bench with me, I got talking to a couple of people and before I knew it time had flown by. They helped me not to feel to bad about being away from my daughter. Thank God for them all.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you xxx

I was wondering if you can site any person who helped you, was kind to you, gave you some time, even smiled at you or made you feel loved or better this week. Please don’t give the name of the person, but I would love to hear your stories of how Christ sent someone to you this week to love you.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you xxx

This is a wonderful question it seems like throughout my week at school God has sent someone just about everyday sometimes it was even a student. Today I was at a shower and my Aunt was talking about my deceased mother who I miss dearly and telling my sisters and I how she cries everyday still. It touched my heart and made me think how much my mother has helped me cope from heaven. Even though you can’t call someone everyday someone always watches over you from heaven. But I am often amazed by the thoughts of people on the forum and how some can be so kind and try to make someones day by adding a great new post. So all day someone seems to be with me.
My friend Michelle. She just adopted and we still waiting for a placement. I loved being able to hold her baby and help her go to sleep.

To me newborns are just so wonderful. I don’t mind them older, but a newborn knows no guile and is sincerely itself. ❤️

Kelly who let me do some sewing/mending for her to earn a few bucks and still be at home.

My uncle and his new wife, both atheists, but I strive to be charitable and a good disciple of Christ.

Beyond that my dear husband is always here to be my best friend ever. :yup:
My parish priest. My boys just joined the youth choir. My 7 year old is Catholic and loves to sing, my 11 son is a Baptist (a long story), he only went to “Make me happy”, but as he said, “Only this once”. Well, to get to the point, our pastor made a very very rare appearance at choir rehersal this past week. He noticed my sons singing and went up to them after practice to thank them for being there and to let them know how well they sang.

Now my Baptist son (btw-I pulled him out of his church months ago) wants to be an Alter-Server. :bounce:

I thank God for my priest, he managed to do in one minute what I have not been able to do in a year. I know Christ sent Father to that rehersal. I thank God we have such a caring priest. :gopray:
Oh, I think this is a most lovely question, thank you! I think Christ has sent someone to me to help me every day of my life!

This week it was a new friend I made in AA, recently released from prison. He needed a new friend so I offered him my phone number and he called and took me out for coffee and a lovely conversation. Turns out he was raised Catholic but is fallen away. Perhaps this is why Christ sent me to him (or him to me!)

Also, my parish priest in Confession. I really needed his penance this week, which really filled my spirit. And of course, he was so kind as he listened to me. How I needed him!

Thank you so much for raising this lovely question, Teresa9! May God bless you!
My two year old son who is so excited by the sights and sounds of nature… his unending curiosity in a leaf , the blueness of the sky or the chirp of a cricket. He is a gentle reminder to slow down , to see and appreciate and enjoy God’s creation!
It seems the more I go to Adoration and seek out the Lord, the more he sends people into my life daily.

Mostly my mother - I believe God sends her to me daily to help me ork out my my needs as a single mom. I am always amazed that the Lord provides for me exactly when I need it, especially when I cast my cares to Him.
I was really depressed on Saturday. I won’t bore you with the details for the reason I was depressed, but this depression was very deep.

I said a rosary, but I was still depressed more and for a longer time than I wanted to be that day.

Turned on the tube, flipped around the TV Guide, and saw that the Flip Wilson show was mid-way through but figured I needed a good laugh, so I switched to that channel.

There was Flip as the character “Geraldine” telling that week’s guest star (Ray Charles) that she “Geraldine” was the president of the Ray Charles fan club, and not-so-coyly flirting (as “Geraldine” did just by BEING “Geraldine”) with Ray Charles.

I was cracking up… already… when as usual at each show, Flip sang a duet with the guest star.

The song they sang together is one that spoke directly to my heart for my point of pain… yet, I HAD to crack up, just watching Flip sing it as “Geraldine” while Ray Charles was trying to keep from laughing while he was singing, himself.

Yup, God sends people to me. Even when I’ve decided to hole up for the day or at least just as long as it would take to let the depression pass.

God will NOT be outdone in His generosity!!

P.S. For anybody who doesn’t know about Flip Wilson, and his show that ran for 4 years in the early 70’s, this page has the basics, and a couple of pictures of him as that sassy “Geraldine”.

It also has 3 audio clips and 1 video clip.

Here are some sound clips From The Flip Wilson Show:

Reverend Leroy (pastor of the Church of What’s Happenin’ Now) from the first show.

Geraldine with David Frost
from the first show.

Geraldine as a stewardess with Jonathan Winters as Maude Frickert
(from the 1969 special that led to the series).

Video Clip of Geraldine with Bing Crosby
I was recently having a bad day at work and out of the blue 2 different people said “God Bless you”! Also my cousin came in to my work place, I really felt God sent him and the 2 people that blessed me!!! I love when things like this happen, it makes me feel so close to God!
Are you sure?? Sometimes we don’t recognise Gods gifts, even when they are very obvious.
I sometimes feel Gods presents just from a bird coming near me and singing or a butter fly passing by, or a beautiful day like today.
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