Who Has "Catechized" American Catholics?

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This week’s Wanderer (7-22-04) contains an article by Dexter Duggan on the newly appointed Bishop of the Phoenix Diocese, Thomas Olmstead. It is entitled, “How One Man’s Faith Began to Change a Diocese.” Duggan states that, “Although mild in manner, Olmstead appears to be the sort of bishop to remind many Catholics and even others of the moral foundation and truths they’ve forgotten, or that have slipped through their fingers. …Olmstead seems to be laying the groundwork for a local Church that can leaven society.” What refreshing news this must be to those who have lived in the Limbo of Confusion and Apathy that was the Phoenix Diocese.

A Phoenix priest observed that the people of a certain parish hadn’t been catechized in ten years." Duggan responds, “Well, they may not have been properly catechized by their pastor, but no doubt they received daily lessons on how to be good citizens by news media that say make up your own minds - as long as you make them up in favor of massive abortion, homosexual permissiveness, and lawless judges who believe themselves omnipotent, but God optional.”

Bravo to Duggan! In one sweep of the pen, he manages to capsulize the formational bankruptcy and spiritual void that has permeated many of our parishes since Vatican II was hijacked.

So, I pose the question, who has “catechized” American Catholics?

Reading thru most of the threads on these Forums it appears that Hollywood - ABC/NBC/CBS/MTV - Gloria Steinem - Wall Street - Wal-Mart - Ophrah - Rosie O’Donnell - Jay Leno - the ACLU, et al - McBrien/Greeley/Call to Action/et all, and all of the cacophonous babble of modernism, secularism, socialism, materialism, hedonism, neo-paganism, New Age, have succeeded in mind controlling American Catholics.
Arlene Alice:
Reading thru most of the threads on these Forums it appears that Hollywood - ABC/NBC/CBS/MTV - Gloria Steinem - Wall Street - Wal-Mart - Ophrah - Rosie O’Donnell - Jay Leno - the ACLU, et al - McBrien/Greeley/Call to Action/et all, and all of the cacophonous babble of modernism, secularism, socialism, materialism, hedonism, neo-paganism, New Age, have succeeded in mind controlling American Catholics.
I agree.

Unfortunately, in my experience, this secular PC catechizing of American Catholics has been made possible because most Catholics were never properly catechized as children.

And I’ve met Catholics who were not only not properly catechized, but received a sort of anti-catechesis in “Catholic” schools. :mad:

I attended a Catholic college and was in classes with students who had attended Catholic schools for most of their lives and the general level of ignorance on fundamental Catholic doctrine was astounding.

For example: a (Catholic school educated) fellow-student in my Vatican II class actually asked the instructor why the class was bothering to discuss Purgatory when she had been told (in highschool, I believe) that “they were going abolish it in a couple of years.” :eek: As if “they” could abolish Purgatory!! In talking with her afterwards, this student seemed to be very sincere and innocent. She was merely repeating what she had been taught and what she thought was the truth!

If Catholics make it to young-adulthood this uncatechized and ignorant, it’s little wonder they fall victim to modernism, secularism, socialism, ABC/CBS/NBC/MTV et. al.!!

Orthodox Catholics, if you want to help the Church, teach catechism!
Good points, both of you! 👍

I agree that many Catholics and other Christians have been drawn away from their Christian faith by a very secular humanist influence (the Culture of Hedonism & Death) through the media and short-sighted greedy capitalists. Most are not aware of the damage to their faith that has been done. Their morals have been significantly corroded by a society that says “If it feels good do it.” and “If you can get away with it, it is ok to do.”

This corruption has even flowed into the church with some bishops that are afraid to stand against this culture and some clergy preying on their flock.

We, as loyal Catholics, united with all other loyal Catholics, need to reclaim the flock re-catechizing them to the faith and turning them away from the ceaspool of sin where the culture is leading them. We need to work with and pray for our clergy that they will lead this re-catechisis effort and stand against the Culture of Hedonism & Death. :gopray2:
For example: a (Catholic school educated) fellow-student in my Vatican II class actually asked the instructor why the class was bothering to discuss Purgatory when she had been told (in highschool, I believe) that "they were going abolish it in a couple of years
She probably thought they were going to tear it down to put up a mall. With all those mansions in Heaven, the souls need somewhere to shop :rolleyes:
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