Who has the right?

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What gives a man the right to decide what biblical scriptures and doctrine are right and which are wrong?

The Catholic Church has done it. Martin Luther did it. All of the Churches do it. But what gives them that right?

This is probably a philosophical question more than anything, but when you think about it, what gives a person the right to tell me what I am to believe? I know the Bible is a guide, but it is often a maze of twisting turns. How can one decide for themself? I will say that I find it hard to believe that anyone agrees with everything their church says.

Are we to just find the one that fits best and believe what we want?
We know from Scripture that Jesus was sent with full authority from the Father, and that Jesus conferred this same authority to the early Church. So it stands to reason that the successors of this infant Church that was founded by Christ before He rejoined the Father in heaven, would possess the authority to teach and interpret Scripture. The same Church Christ founded He also gave the power to bind and loose. To safeguard their binding and loosing from error, He promised that the Holy Spirit would guide them into all truth and that He would be with them until the end of time.

The only Church that fits this description is the Catholic Church, in fact the only Church even applying for the job is the Catholic Church. This is not only Scripturally accurate but historically accurate as well.

If you are sincerely looking for the “one true Church”, then look no further because you have come to the right place!

What gives a man the right to decide what biblical scriptures and doctrine are right and which are wrong?

There are no “wrong” scriptures and Jesus gave the Church the power to interpret them. Perhaps you should become a Unitarian Universalist.
Hi Bryan,
I want to share a Scripture with you. I know you have read it before, but like me, and my Lutheran friend I shared this with before, we had never really read it.

John 21:15-17 Are the verses where Christ is speaking to Peter after His 3 time denial. Christ says 3 different things back to Peter. Not just feed my sheep. But** feed my lambs, tend my sheep, feed my sheep.** This translation is from my Protestant NKJV Max Lucado Study Bible.

Catholics believe the lambs represent the lay people. The sheep represent priests. Sheep take care of their lambs. But Peter was told to tend the sheep. Who tends the sheep? The Shepherd. Here is another place where Christ gave Peter the authority over everyone. The other was when Christ gave Peter the keys to the kingdom. Christ clearly wanted Peter to be “in charge”. The Catholic Church has always understood this. So who has the right to tell you the correct interpretation? The Church in which Christ left someone “in charge” and still recognizes this. That would be the Catholic Church.

Your sister in Christ,
What gives a man the right to decide what biblical scriptures and doctrine are right and which are wrong?

The Catholic Church has done it. Martin Luther did it. All of the Churches do it. But what gives them that right?

This is probably a philosophical question more than anything, but when you think about it, what gives a person the right to tell me what I am to believe? I know the Bible is a guide, but it is often a maze of twisting turns. How can one decide for themself? I will say that I find it hard to believe that anyone agrees with everything their church says.

Are we to just find the one that fits best and believe what we want?
Bryan, I’ve often wondered the same things. This is why there are many denominations of Christianity. The Bible is a guide as you say. It’s a revelation from God. Use it as your guide. Buy a book that explains the history of the Bible, different types of literature and so on. Then begin reading the Bible for yourself. Pray that God will lead you to what He wants you to know. Trust Him to lead. Come to your own conclusions first, then compare what you conclude with other Christians conclusions.

Above all, keep your mind open to the possiblities. When we settle into only ONE view, then we think we have it figured out and everyone else is wrong. However, if we keep an open mind and accept possibilites, God can work wonders.

By the way, this is a protestant position - I’m a Baptist. Catholics on the forum here might have a different answer. I hope I have helped in some way.

God bless…
What gives a man the right to decide what biblical scriptures and doctrine are right and which are wrong?

The Catholic Church has done it. Martin Luther did it. All of the Churches do it. But what gives them that right?

This is probably a philosophical question more than anything, but when you think about it, what gives a person the right to tell me what I am to believe? I know the Bible is a guide, but it is often a maze of twisting turns. How can one decide for themself? I will say that I find it hard to believe that anyone agrees with everything their church says.

Are we to just find the one that fits best and believe what we want?
What gives a man the right to decide what biblical scriptures and doctrine are right and which are wrong?

The Catholic Church has done it. Martin Luther did it. All of the Churches do it. But what gives them that right?

This is probably a philosophical question more than anything, but when you think about it, what gives a person the right to tell me what I am to believe? I know the Bible is a guide, but it is often a maze of twisting turns. How can one decide for themself? I will say that I find it hard to believe that anyone agrees with everything their church says.

Are we to just find the one that fits best and believe what we want?
If God chose to reveal His word to men, He likewise did not want it to be revealed in a manner that would confuse rather than clarify His teachings, which is what would happen if everyone became their own interpreter.

This is the fatal flaw of Protestantism, the tendency to engage in “private interpretation” that has divided rather than clarified the teachings, which in turn has resulted in the splintered mess our separated brethren are now in. This is why Jesus chose to found His Church, tasked with the mission of interpreting and spreading His word. Without a divinely-established Church to safeguard the deposit of faith, the result would be doctrinal chaos. As for me, I would rather trust the ancient teaching authority of the Church, rather than my own judgment.

Gerry 🙂

I think you have asked a very important question and one of the things I look at is who is God.

Does he change? If He is truly God then he can not change, and there fore his rules can not change. So when we are looking to see who has the right (you may want to ask who has been given the authority by the author) to interpert Scripture we have to look to see if it is being done in a manner in accord with the will of the author.

No mear man in the interperter of Scripture it is the Magistirum of the Catholic Church that is, not by the men but through the authority of Jesus Christ himself and under the protection of the Holy Spirit. That is why at no time has the Church changed a teaching on faith and morals (developed yes changed no), and it is the only Christian faith that can make this claim thanks be to God. You see to change any teaching on faith and morals would be to change the truth and that would mean that Christ has changed (as we all know he is the way, the TRUTH and the life), but we have a God who is perfect in all ways and because of that there is no need for Him to change.

The only one who has the right is the one given the authority by the author Himself and that is not a person in the case of the Bible it is the Holy Catholic Church. Praise to God for the fountian of truth.

God Bless and keep asking great questions hope this helps.
firstly, the bible is not an encyclopaedia or a textbook with headings, subheadings and index (whatever it is, it is the method god chose for revelation). thus, it needs to be interpreted.

so who should interpret? did jesus actually say or desire that we should read the bible and come up with our own interpretations? i don’t think so, coz that’s exactly what’s happening and the results are there for all to see. how can people say that holy spirit lead the to their interpretation when each interpretation is so different?
thus, it makes sense that jesus did not abandon us to doubt and insecurity but left us a sure way of knowing the truths written in the bible.
jeusus said- whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven (mat ch16). and also- he who rejects you rejects me. these were said to the apostles and not to anyone else, they establish that jesus would ensure that whatever thwey taught would be true for the good of those listening.
in acts ch15, the apostles get together and make a descision and then declare that “it seemed good to the holy spirit and to us that…”. here they invoke the authority of the holy spirit and claim their decision to be inspired by the spirit.
i’m sure there are several other references but the point is that jesus left us with a sure way knowing which interpretation is right- that made by the catholic church in which the authority has been passed on unbroken since the time of the apostles so that we may not be in doubt or dissent over these matters.
it is when we reject the church’s authority that we end up going the wrong way.

what gives a person the right to tellyou what you are to believe? that would be god

you find it hard to believe that anyone believes all that the church teaches? well, a lot do and try to live their lives by the teachings.
hope this helped
in christ,
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