Who here hates or supports abortion?

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just type your name here and wether you support or hate abortion!
and then visit again too see what i have said :tsktsk:
divine apostle:
just type your name here and wether you support or hate abortion!
and then visit again too see what i have said :tsktsk:
Hahaha, I completely hate abortion. It is murder. That is my final answer.
For some reason this poll reminded me of a discussion I had a while back. In my state we have “Choose Life” license plates that have crayon drawn smiley’s of a boy and girl. Someone was complaing that the state issues a pro-life plate and not the opposing view-point. I just replied that I doubt a “Choose Death” license plate with mutilated babies on it would sell well.
I am against abortion:mad: It is deviltry:mad: Murder:mad: And opened up a can of snakes that continue to spread the death venom:tsktsk: :mad:
I am against abortion:mad: It is deviltry:mad: Murder:mad: And opened up a can of snakes that continue to spread the death venom:tsktsk: :mad:
Put me down as agreeing with Lisa here!!
I despise the sin of abortion/infanticide.
I only have one friend, a co-worker that is in favor of abortion & I am praying for her. I will not associate with anyone that favors the murder of the innocent.

I believe that a most awful & vile place in hell is reserved for abortionists & men/women that have killed their children through abortion.
abortion is murder. no ifs ands or buts. it is a sin against God, against nature, and against humanity. who are we to kill the person that God has created? it is arrogance beyond belief to know all this and then choose to kill your child anyway.
I am against abortion:mad: It is deviltry:mad: Murder:mad: And opened up a can of snakes that continue to spread the death venom:tsktsk: :mad:
I am against abortion:mad: It is deviltry:mad: Murder:mad: And opened up a can of snakes that continue to spread the death venom:tsktsk: :mad:
Go Lisa!!! Me too!!!

A word of caution, my friends. I note that divine apostle is suspended and only has 20 posts. Quite a few people have given me the heads up here in the Troo North. Apparently the pro-abortioners have taken quite an interest in certain CA posters, myself included.

Let us remember that one of the rabblers (rabble.ca) attended a pro-life demo in Toronto and took photos of the demonstrators which he then posted to the internet. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that some of the rabblers have registered on CA and are up to mischief. Be really careful about giving personal information, particularly by PM.

I mean think of it this way: divine apostle has yet to prove himself/herself. Starting a thread asking all the pro-lifers to self-declare spares him/her the task of reading through the pro-life threads in the event that there is something to be learned or confronted there.

Probably divine apostle got suspended for making statements about blowing up British abortuaries overnight. If any of you then say that they agree with that position, it would certainly give rabble ammunition to discredit CA or any of you.
We need to open our scope folks. I am very much against anyone who promotes or performs any act that negatively interfers with or destroys life at any of its precious stages from conception to natural death.

The thought of abortion in particular breaks my heart.
Ani Ibi:
A word of caution, my friends. I note that divine apostle is suspended and only has 20 posts. Quite a few people have given me the heads up here in the Troo North. Apparently the pro-abortioners have taken quite an interest in certain CA posters, myself included.

Thanks Ani, as soon as I saw the title red lights started to flash as to why someone would post that on a Catholic forum.
Any sane person is opposed to abortion, and even those with no faith reject it in the name of humanity.

The sooner we start calling a baby what it is “a baby” the better, fetus demeans the little one as having no soul, and just a bunch of cells.

I hate abortion. I wish there was some way to open people’s eyes to its horror!

Dj Roy Albet about post #11

“I believe that a most awful & vile place in hell is reserved for abortionists & men/women that have killed their children through abortion.”

Jesus told St. Fautina that the most awful, vile sinner has a place in His ocean of mercy. While we must always condemn the sin of abortion we must also remember to remind people that the infinite mercy of Jesus is more powerful than all the combined sins of the world. No sinner no matter how great will be denied forgiveness if he repents of his sin. Some of our greatest allies in this battle to save the unborn have been involved in the abortion industry and their testimonies–available on line-- are some of the most powerful I have read. It is truth, spoken in love, which offers hope to the sinner. They carry a heavy burden of sin, shame and guilt. Why would anyone not extend them the same mercy God has so generously given to us already?

I only hope Ani is right and that fallen away Catholics and some of those seriously disturbed posters at the rabble site are reading Catholic Answers. As the first among sinners, I want to put my arms around them and reassure them it is never too late for healing and forgiveness. :blessyou: Come wash yourselves clean in the fountain of mercy. If you are a Catholic return to the sacrament of reconciliation and be washed as clean as snow.
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