I like to know other than myself is discerning the priesthood.
Yep.I like to know other than myself is discerning the priesthood.
Don’t forget, there are seminaries that specialize in late vocations, which take four years rather than the normal 7-9 for diocesan or 7-15 for orders. Blessed John XXIII National Seminary in Massacheussetts for example.One I would need an annulment, then assuming that was granted and my son was in college I would be in my mid forties. So at that point I would be a 46 year old heading off to seminary again (??).
Some may not. But remember, a single bishop does not have the charism of infallibility – unless he’s the Bishop of Rome.As someone on another thread pointed out a Bishop may look not favorably on a would be Priest with an annulment.
Well, you’ve already got a lot more going for you than some priests I know! :yup:At any rate, I love Christ fervently and am open to what ever He would have for me and so I am open to the discernment process.
Augieboo, Thank you for your kind and supportive words and the link.Don’t forget, there are seminaries that specialize in late vocations, which take four years rather than the normal 7-9 for diocesan or 7-15 for orders. Blessed John XXIII National Seminary in Massacheussetts for example.
Some may not. But remember, a single bishop does not have the charism of infallibility – unless he’s the Bishop of Rome.So if one were to turn you down – assuming that’s where you discern you need to go – just try the next one down the way, and the next one, and the next one.
Well, you’ve already got a lot more going for you than some priests I know! :yup:
judging from ure screen name and your signature, ure Polish =) Cześć! Im going to Lublin to study for a month. My polish is bad, I’m not polish, I have no affiliation with Poles, I dont know why I studied a year of it, but i feel I should go on and finish what I started. I visited Poland last year briefly, n went to see the Black Madonna, it has had two after effects 1) I started studying języka polskiego and 2) It made me think more about the priesthood and now im 99.99% sure I’ll be entering seminary. There were so many priests in Kraków! I happen to be there on the day they were ordaining their priests, but I’d never seen so many clergy in my life, brothers n sisters, n priests in cassocks, I felt like I was in the Vatican. But, ya…I am 99% sure i am going to be a priest, down under in Melbourne, Australia. The hardest part however, is revealing it to others, should i tell my friends and family or should i wait until i see a priest or spiritual director? I am 19 years of age.
In prayer that it is where i feel the biggest urge to be a priest, but wants i step back into the world, the distractions in life such as T.V, media, internet or people such as non-christians (even catholics), can really be a setback if you allow it to control your life. But praying is vital, and those who don’t prayer will most likely ignore the call and not be open to that vocation.
Please pray for me, this is a huge decision and sometimes i feel all alone, but i know their are others out their who also need our prayers. In the archdiocese of Melbourne their is a shortage of priests, 90-95% of catholic students do not practise their faith wants they leave college, and catholic are donating less and less each week. So we need more priests, good priests, to counter this trend.
Pray to our Mother for her help and intercession,
God Bless
There is a priest in my diocese who had both an annulment and was a widower. He was married, got a civil divorce and then an annulment. He has two children from that annulled marriage. Then he was validly married to another woman, but his wife died. After the death of his wife, he entered the seminary. He has been a priest for about 3 years now. He spoke at my parish when he was still a seminarian. He also has grandchildren. His grandchildren said they didn’t know if they should call him “Father Grandpa”. He is in his fifties now. You are not necessarily banned from being a priest. This fellow was not. God bless you in whatever He is calling you to do.I am a yes and no. I was Prot and got married to a Catholic and then converted to R Catholicism. I even taught CCD. My Wife would not get an annulment so after a few years I left and we ended up at Protestant churches (better sermons.
Went to grad school/seminary and am an ordained Prot clergyman. Wife wants a divorce. Very amicable (no bad issues such as adultery)…she just does not want to be married anymore.
I have been feeling a call I have to discern since pondering Beckwith’s conversion. Celibacy is not a problem for a couple of reasons. One I am already practicing it and have been since it would not have been ethical to have done othewise. Second, since our divorce does not have the elements for a divorce and remarriage (adultery or unbelieving spouse who leaves) I will be celibate for the rest of my life. God has given me peace in this area and much practice.
However, there are a number of problems. One I would need an annulment, then assuming that was granted and my son was in college I would be in my mid forties. So at that point I would be a 46 year old heading off to seminary again (??). As someone on another thread pointed out a Bishop may look not favorably on a would be Priest with an annulment.
At any rate, I love Christ fervently and am open to what ever He would have for me and so I am open to the discernment process.
Rev North
Czesc, jezyk Polski nie jest latwy, i tez mam problemy uczymac to, co uczylem w polskim szkole. Mow jak najwiecej po polsku.judging from ure screen name and your signature, ure Polish =) Cześć! Im going to Lublin to study for a month. My polish is bad, I’m not polish, I have no affiliation with Poles, I dont know why I studied a year of it, but i feel I should go on and finish what I started. I visited Poland last year briefly, n went to see the Black Madonna, it has had two after effects 1) I started studying języka polskiego and 2) It made me think more about the priesthood and now im 99.99% sure I’ll be entering seminary. There were so many priests in Kraków! I happen to be there on the day they were ordaining their priests, but I’d never seen so many clergy in my life, brothers n sisters, n priests in cassocks, I felt like I was in the Vatican. But, ya…