Who is Favorite Person in Gospels?

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Mary of Bethney hands down. I am a less than perfect housekeeper. I really relate to Mary of Bethany. Here we have Jesus actully saying that we don’t have to have the perfect place setting. Martha on the other hand how annoying. I also like the Sumaritan Women, she had a of spunk. And for all us short people there is the tax collector who had to climb a tree to see Jesus. I really can’t say which of these three I like the best. But I would like to meet all of them. Martha however can just stick to her perfect (ly boring entertaining)
The man in whose house Jesus and his apostles celebrated the Passover the night he was betrayed. You never hear about the guy other than he gave up his home on short notice.


Have to agree here. Simon of Cyrene.

On a related note, I would like to make a plea to all members of this forum to become a modern day Simon of Cyrene and pray that God allow you to shoulder some of Terri Schiavo’s burden, and ask Him take some of her suffering away and give it to you.
The woman with the bleeding issue. She was healed just by touching the hem of Jesus’ robe.
After Our Lord and His Blessed Mother, it’s gotta be Peter as the prayer in the Eastern Rite Holy Wednesday service says:

And in the New Covenant of Your incarnation, You called not the righteous but sinners to repentance, as the publican, the harlot, the blaspheming thief, and the great persecutor Paul. Through repentance, You received Peter Your chief apostle, who denied you thrice. And You received and accepted him through repentance, and to him promised, saying, “You are Peter and upon this rock I shall build My Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it, and I shall give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.” Therefore, O righteous and compassionate Lord, according to Your faithful promises we take courage, and in this hour we pray and supplicate You. Hear our prayer and receive it as incense offered before You, and visit these Your servants. . .
Yeah, Peter I can relate to.

“Lord, leave me – I am a sinful man.”

Plus he’s so bluff and stoopid:

“Lord, it’s good that we’re here. We can build three booths for you” (What was he thinking!?)

“I will follow you, even to death

Nope, never heard of the man.”

“Don’t wash just my feet, but my hands and my head!”

And my favorite Wile E. Coyote moment:
"Lord, here I come, walking across the water to you…
[interior conversation]

[/interior converstation]


…reminds me of someone I see in the mirror every day.

The man in whose house Jesus and his apostles celebrated the Passover the night he was betrayed. You never hear about the guy other than he gave up his home on short notice.


I believe I was told that tradition has it that this house belonged to the parents of the Gospel Writer St Mark
Has to be Saint Peter…

He was not the “sharpest knife” in the drawer, but was a true “tough guy”, except for that denial thing when Jesus was arrested.

This is the man whom Jesus gave the Keys of Heaven to. 👍

Gives me hope,I’m also not the Sharpest Knife so to speak, shows me that Jesus does NOT choose based on massive gray matter, but on loyalty (he made up for the 3 denials) and faith. Just look at the results. 2000 years and still going strong 👍
I have a major soft spot for John, the disciple Jesus loved. I know he must have been an incredible man!! Jesus gave him his Mom!
The blind man, Bartimaeus, who just wouldn’t

let people tell him to be quiet when he wanted
Jesus to heal his blindness. He just kept calling
out: Jesus! Son of David! until Jesus heard
him and told those around Him to bring Bartimaeus
to Him.


I pray to the God of Israel and hope that Jesus is
the Messiah.
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