Who is God?

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Today, my brother told me that he thinks that what happened in Asia was sad. Then he asked me, How could God, this all loving being, allow this to happen. I said that God allowed this to happen so that a greater good could come outta it. Then he said, “What good is there, 1/3 of the people killed where kids”. I sat and thought a little bit, then said to him, “Maybe you have the wrong idea of God”. He looked kinda puzzled. I said do you remember Sodom and Gomorrah?" He said “Yea, I do”. Well God i’m sure loved them people just as much as he did the faithful Jews, but they were sinning badly, so God destroyed the cities. Then I said something I dont think i should have. I said “The Tsunami happened in Asia, the people there are mostly Buddhist, Hindu, and Islam. Maybe that was Gods was of making them realize that there are not in good sights with the one true God”. Now I need advice what a good answer would be, cuz oI don’t thin that cut it, any help would be deeply appreciated, I’m sorry if I offended anyone. .
Yeah, your point was good, but your example was bad. We often get into trouble when we try to guess God’s reasons. I always point out the suffering He let His Son endure. We killed God; the worst thing that could ever happen, but God brought the greatest good of out it. Plus, the Bible is filled with all kinds of bad things happening to the ‘good guys’. Sometimes we can see the reasons and the good that came from it and sometimes not. We just have to remember that God is good, just, and loving. That He knows everything and knows what is best for everyone. Due to our fallen human nature we all tend to think we’re better than God in someways at sometimes.

Just tell him don’t worry, God hasn’t dropped the ball. 🙂
Not usualy effective in those words but if you convey that point in way he accepts then you’re doing good.

Pax et bonum
Today, my brother told me that he thinks that what happened in Asia was sad. Then he asked me, How could God, this all loving being, allow this to happen. I said that God allowed this to happen so that a greater good could come outta it. Then he said, “What good is there, 1/3 of the people killed where kids”. I sat and thought a little bit, then said to him, “Maybe you have the wrong idea of God”. He looked kinda puzzled. I said do you remember Sodom and Gomorrah?" He said “Yea, I do”. Well God i’m sure loved them people just as much as he did the faithful Jews, but they were sinning badly, so God destroyed the cities. Then I said something I dont think i should have. I said “The Tsunami happened in Asia, the people there are mostly Buddhist, Hindu, and Islam. Maybe that was Gods was of making them realize that there are not in good sights with the one true God”. Now I need advice what a good answer would be, cuz oI don’t thin that cut it, any help would be deeply appreciated, I’m sorry if I offended anyone. .
Dear Ryan

There has been over 100,000 to date killed in this disaster and despite your apologies the reason you have given your brother for this disaster is offensive and will remain so.

We do not know the wisdom of God nor all of His ways. In our finite minds we cannot figure out the infinite ‘I Am’

Retract your comment to your brother immediately.

Whatever someone believes, if they truly believe it then they are called to live in it to the best of their capabilities. If someone does not know the truth they cannot be blamed for that fact.

You made a mistake in what you said to your brother and you should set it straight to him and tell him you don’t know why this has happened because Ryan you do not know why this has happened. Jesus is sorry for all human suffering and suffers with us.

Comments like that which you have made make me angry because the injustice of it screams out off the page to me and God is just and righteous.

Say a little prayer for all those people, your brothers and sisters, who have lost loved ones or who themselves have lost their own lives.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear Ryan

There has been over 100,000 to date killed in this disaster and despite your apologies the reason you have given your brother for this disaster is offensive and will remain so.

We do not know the wisdom of God nor all of His ways. In our finite minds we cannot figure out the infinite ‘I Am’

Retract your comment to your brother immediately.

Whatever someone believes, if they truly believe it then they are called to live in it to the best of their capabilities. If someone does not know the truth they cannot be blamed for that fact.

You made a mistake in what you said to your brother and you should set it straight to him and tell him you don’t know why this has happened because Ryan you do not know why this has happened. Jesus is sorry for all human suffering and suffers with us.

Comments like that which you have made make me angry because the injustice of it screams out off the page to me and God is just and righteous.

Say a little prayer for all those people, your brothers and sisters, who have lost loved ones or who themselves have lost their own lives.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Ouch, I guess sorry doesn’t mean anything now and days…

He put me on the spot, and I had no idea what to saw, this is just what popped in my mind. I will take back my comment but I would just like to say sorry again (Even if you don’t accept it) because i know what i said was wrong. Teresa, I feel like I must disagree with you on something you said though. I believe that if someone doesn’t know the truth, they are ultimatly at blame for that, becuase they know what Chirstianity is, im sure they have heard of it, but then again, I could be wrong. This thread will probably be deleted to, because you can’t talk about anything on here anymore, as a matter of fact, i think I will just stay away from here for a while…
Ouch, I guess sorry doesn’t mean anything now and days…

He put me on the spot, and I had no idea what to saw, this is just what popped in my mind. I will take back my comment but I would just like to say sorry again (Even if you don’t accept it) because i know what i said was wrong. Teresa, I feel like I must disagree with you on something you said though. I believe that if someone doesn’t know the truth, they are ultimatly at blame for that, becuase they know what Chirstianity is, im sure they have heard of it, but then again, I could be wrong. This thread will probably be deleted to, because you can’t talk about anything on here anymore, as a matter of fact, i think I will just stay away from here for a while…
Dearest Ryan

Have perseverance! You know what I said is right otherwise I would not have said it to you. Yes there are many people alive on this planet who know nothing of Jesus at all. They have heard His name, but do not know anything about Him and still many besides who don’t even know of His name. To knowingly reject Christ is one thing but to not know is totally blameless.

If what a persons says they must be able to stand by their word, if they state something then they must also be prepared to hear the truth and you knew before I even told you the truth, what the truth was. Of course I accept your apology, you knew the truth before I told it to you. 🙂

The truth is the truth and it is not a personal attack it is the truth and nothing can stand against the truth. If you cease to post here Ryan that would be a loss to all of us and a loss to yourself.

Persevere, there is no crown without the cross and we are all learning and journeying in faith, drop the pride, drop yesterday and drop today and carry on in Christ. There is no yesterday in Christ Jesus, there is no goodbye, there is only today, the forever ‘I Am’ the moment!

Stay Ryan and learn with me as I learn we all are learning from the one Priest and teacher, Christ Jesus. You are one of my favourite posters here, maybe that is why I was harsh on you xxx

God Bless you and much love and peace to you always

Today, my brother told me that he thinks that what happened in Asia was sad. Then he asked me, How could God, this all loving being, allow this to happen. I said that God allowed this to happen so that a greater good could come outta it. Then he said, “What good is there, 1/3 of the people killed where kids”. I sat and thought a little bit, then said to him, “Maybe you have the wrong idea of God”. He looked kinda puzzled. I said do you remember Sodom and Gomorrah?" He said “Yea, I do”. Well God i’m sure loved them people just as much as he did the faithful Jews, but they were sinning badly, so God destroyed the cities. Then I said something I dont think i should have. I said “The Tsunami happened in Asia, the people there are mostly Buddhist, Hindu, and Islam. Maybe that was Gods was of making them realize that there are not in good sights with the one true God”. Now I need advice what a good answer would be, cuz oI don’t thin that cut it, any help would be deeply appreciated, I’m sorry if I offended anyone. .
Hey RomanRyan1088!

You have done the best you could, but I think you will have to explane some more. Here are some thoughts of mine: God permits evil to happen, but that doesn’t mean that it cannot come something good out of it.

One of the evil things I have had trouble to understand is the try to wipe out the jews in WWII (I have visited Auswich, and I can tell it was far more dreadful to visit the place than to see it from some TV-moovie. I didn’t sleep for two weeks afterwords). Why could God allow someting so gruesom to happen?

Karl Stern, the jew that converteted to catholisism in the middle of the WWII, thought that his mother and other realtives that died in the consentrationcamps were in Heaven! (It’s about meeting Jesus in the moment of death for people of other religion that didn’t learn about Him and his saving misions).

There have been other catastrophic plagues like the abscess-plague in Europe in the beginning of 1300 (popuarly called the Black Death). More than one third of the population died.

There were the volcanic eruption in Napoli in Italy that burried the whole town (all died) and so on …

God allows evil to happen, but we, humans, can’t always understand why.

Why do children die? Perhaps God want a lot of children to have everlasting life in Heaven? May be He wants all agegroups to be represented there? May be the children in Heaven are there to chere us all up!

I think that you have to talk to your brother more than once about this tragedy. You have to balance it, the good things (poor children going to a much better Heaven, people that converts, stop sinning and become christians), the warning aspect (don’t focus on other religion, but on that among all the families that were on vaccation there, also some loners had gone to sin (Tailand and all the focus on sex).

Tell him that this is a time were we all are tested. Do we help with money or not? Do we think about that our time here on earth are not going to last forever? Are we prepared to meet God?

One thing to be remembered is that God never leaves us. He stands by our side when we are happy and when we suffer! We are safe in “the arms” of God!

The most important thing is that your brother doesn’t loose faith in a loving God!

Hope you can use some of these thoughts. Take your time and be prepared for talking about this over and over again.


Fr. Corapi has my favorite answer when it comes to this problem. It is what you said at first.God does not wish any harm to come to anyone. God allows bad things to happen for the greater good that comes from them. Do you see how everyone is trying to help? Many are praying for their brothers and sisters in Asia. Some are realizing how fragile life is and are turning back to God because of this!

God bless,
Deacon Tony
Deacon Tony560:
Fr. Corapi has my favorite answer when it comes to this problem. It is what you said at first.God does not wish any harm to come to anyone. God allows bad things to happen for the greater good that comes from them. Do you see how everyone is trying to help? Many are praying for their brothers and sisters in Asia. Some are realizing how fragile life is and are turning back to God because of this!
Much like the dreaded 9/11, many families started paying more attention to each other and many have come back to regular religious services attendance. Taliban is no more and so is Saddam, Afganistan has just elected its first ever president and soon will Iraq.

Perhaps we’re seeing just the beginning of something wonderful with all the aid being sent to the region by governments and individuals.

God is always faithful, in spite of our unfaithfulness.
If I may, I’d like to test-tube some thoughts about such kind of events.

We usually refer to them as bad or even evil, from the well of our ignorance. Perhaps because death is a fearful event when we realize about our sinfulness or because the loss of a loved one is painful. Yet, can we say that it’s so to the deceased person if he’s in Heaven (or in Purgatory for that matter)? How can we call death an evil when it’s our ultimate fate?

Similarly, the suffereing from hunger and disease, though dreadful, has a purging effect in the victim and provokes some of the best attitudes from others. Not unlike Our Lord’s response to the question about why the man was blind: our being charitable to our neighbor, dressing the destitute, caring for the widowed and for the orphaned, etc, are manifestations of God’s Glory.

Am I way off here?

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