Who is righteous?

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New member
Is someone righteous because they are in a state of sanctifying grace or because they are saintly or something else?
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One can only be righteous if God has granted him the Grace to be so and he has opened his heart/will to receive God’s Grace. Constant opening and surrending of one’s will to God’s Grace is what forms saints.
Ordinarily it would be the middle one, saintly. One is righteous if one is upright and virtuous.
The “righteousness of God”, as Scripture terms man’s intended righteousness or justice at times, is best defined by the Greatest Commandments, to love God with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength and our neighbor as ourselves. As we come to obtain this kind of love by cooperating with grace, growing in grace and the knowledge of God, we become increasingly righteous. “Love fulfills the Law” Rom 13:10
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