Who Likes To Garden?

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I recently received a bunch of seed catalogs, so I started to mentally plan out my garden for this year.

I will plant my favorite variety of tomato, which is the Black Krim and try a couple of other varieties. I will also have squash, cucumbers, scarlett runner beans, spinach, lettuce, Swiss chard and popcorn.

I have various perennial herbs like thyme, chives, oregano, peppermint, spearmint and borage. I will also replant lemon basil.

I haven’t made up my mind on annual flower types, except marigolds and sunflowers.

Who likes to garden, and what do you like to grow.
Random advice:
Limit the space for your mints as they will take over. LOL

I prefer perennials mostly, with just a pop of annuals for continual color. If you plant the perennials, you will have loads to share and great banks of flowers eventually.

If your soil is not too wet, bulbs are great fun! I don’t live where lilacs thrive, but a lilac bush is heavenly.
I will second Clare’s advice on the mints. I love mints, but they can really, really, really spread.

I have a sorta black and green checkered thumb. When I first bought a house, I planted a garden. Nothing. Second year. Same. Nothing. Third year, I got -er- ticked and planted over 100 tomato plants. Every one of them flourished. I had tomatoes everywhere. That was the year of lots of tomato sauces.
Limit the space for your mints as they will take over. LOL
I grow my mints in containers and keep them well pruned so they do not seed.

I am with you on perennials. I will be dividing up a bunch of day lilies, black eyed susans, purple coneflowers and transplanting them where I had some hedges removed.
Container gardening is the only way to go if you want your garden to survive. I don’t know how many times we’ve planted (and marked) peonies and other flowers (my mother’s garden) only to have the mowers mow them down, if not the first time, the third time they came.

I love growing tomatoes, herbs, peppers,stevia, sunflowers and other things. It basically depends on my mood. And because I feed stray animals, I have to be mindful of only planting things that won’t harm them.
Sounds beautiful! Post up some pictures when things get rockin and rollin! 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Love gardening,getting things to grow as I want can be a battle…constant watering all through summer.
At the moment the purple Buddleja (butterfly bush),purple and pink Hollyhocks and blue larkspurs are doing well and are my favourites .
Zucchini ,asparagus .plums and berries are being picked.
I love the walls of Jerusalem artichokes that were planted to protect against the wind here,6ft.
Wind turbines are being built in this area so we do have strong gusts.
I love to garden. Now that Christmas is over, I will begin making lists of plants, sketching ideas for new beds, and planning what needs to be thinned or moved. Even if I don’t get to all of it, I am happy planning.

I too use a lot of perennials, and am always trying to find plants the deer don’t eat!

I do use annuals in hanging baskets and flower boxes, and to fill in so there is constant blooming.

Last spring I bought very pale yellow marigolds. They were lovely and soft colored and the deer did not eat them. They left my snapdragons alone too. They did mow down my hosta and day lilies though.

Every year, it’s a battle. Liquid fence and the like work, if I remember to reapply in time! 😬
hey did mow down my hosta and day lilies though.
Yes they tear mine up too.

My biggest battle is not with deer as they tend to hang out in the many cornfields in the area it is with squirrels. Every year we battle it out, and every year I lose. 🤣

I bought a rubber snake one year, and the squirrels did avoid the thing, but that lasted until a hawk saw the fake snake and flew off with it. I bet that was one mad hawk though.
I’ve been a gardener all my life…gardening was one reason we moved to ‘the sticks’…the herb garden has garlic, parsley, oregano, chives, two or three types of basil, and rosemary.
The main garden is made up of six raised beds, each measuring 40’ by 6’…I grow tomatoes, peppers, beans, peas, sweet corn, beets, turnips, potatoes, radishes, lettuce, Swiss chard, broccoli, and horseradish [it spreads as aggressively as mint].
We’ve had some problems with deer - they won’t leave my fruit trees alone - but the worst pest is the groundhog that lives under the neighbor’s horse barn…I’ve caught raccoons, possums, even a skunk, but that groundhog…grrrr!
We have some perennials in the front yard, and plant a few annuals for color in summer. Ornamental grasses are popular here…I have a few varieties in the front yard…they look good now, with the snow on the ground.
I had problems with groundhogs a couple of years back, and they can be a real pain in the neck for sure.
I had a raccoon get into the chimney for the fireplace. I got the thing to move by placing a radio in there and setting it to a Rap station. 🤣 The thing left rather quickly too.
I have Sulpher crested Cocatoos waking me up when they scream in the morning pulling the little apples off the trees 😬 (my neighbours feed them,God bless them,) In the Autumn they are strong enough to fly away with big ripe quinces ! My secret ,silent revenge is they sound just a little bit like my neighbours 🤭
My mom had a raccoon go into her chimney once. Even though it was July, I turned on the heat and eventually he came out and left for good.
That also works on relatives that overstay their welcome, LOL
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