Who loves Mary?

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I love Mary. :love: She is truly the best mother one could ever imagine- better. Does anybody else here love Mary? Ark of the Covenant, Queen of All Hearts, Star of Ocean, Refuge of Sinners? I want to know who loves her, why, and how you came to love our and Jesus’s Mother in the way you do today.
Father Max Kolbe once said, " If Mary is not your mother, Jesus is not your brother!"

God bless,
Deacon Tony SFO
Mary IS my mother, I don’t care what Father Max said:( . Anyway brother, isn’t this supposed to be posts for people who love Mary? I do, and have since I was a small girl. I can remember leaving a present for her in church when I was about 7 years old.

I talk to her and ask her to pray for me, just about what I do with my birth mother. She is the Greatest woman in human history!

Thanks heliumspark for asking this beautiful question!!🙂
Father Kolbe did say she is your Mother. 😃

I love her, too. She is another of God’s beautiful blessings to His people – our Holy Blessed Mother and our sister, the Mother of our Lord. When sin is thick between God and men, she still hears us, is ever watchful, and intercedes on our behalf.
I love Mary, my mother, my mother-in-law (as mother of my wife), and the mother of all those I meet.

One special thing that I ask Mary is to help her struggling children as I encounter them (and this include me and my wife as well.). I know that as a Mother her intercession of them (and me) is extremely powerful and based truly on love.

:gopray2: Dearest Mother Mary, Pray and intercede that we may be granted a great love for you, our Mother, and develop a deep loving relationship with you. :gopray2:

:gopray2: O Jesus, grant that we may all have a great love for Mary, our Mother and develop a deep loving relationship with her. :gopray2:
Queen of Heaven
Star of the Sea
Victorious Queen of the Universe
Splendor of Heaven
Mother of God
Mother of Mercy
Clement & Loving One
Mediatrix of ALL Graces

She brought me back to the Church, by boldly leaving a copy of the Divine Mysteries of the Holy Rosary book on my work desk…how it got there, I have no idea. She shields me in her Mantle of Grace so Jesus wont refuse her ANYTHING when I plead his blood to cover my iniquities. 👍
I love Mary and her son with all my heart.

I was honored to have the Fatima Statue make a pilgramage to our church in May. The statue only makes a few stops aound the country each year - so this was special.

On Friday evening, our church had holy hour with a rosary and Eucharistic Adoration. After the holy hour, I knealt in front of the staute and saw such beauty - such peace and love in Mary’s face.

Next morning (Sat), we had a mass followed by Adoration. I attended and got an oportunity to kneal in front of Our Lady again in prayer. But, this morning, I sensed Mary was in agony. She was not peaceful, she was different. I felt her agony over luke warm souls. I just started weeping out of her pain and I could not stop.

I have had the hardest year of my life and too have been praying for the soul of the man I love. I really felt Her pain.

On Sunday evening, I decided to go to Adortation again. I go to Adoration often to help me get through this difficult trial I am in, and I love to meditiate in front of a picture of Divine Mercy ( Jesus standing with rays of red and blue streaming from his side wound).
I experienced the same pain as the day before. Pain for souls - as I wept again without cause.

Then I made my way to the Divine Mercy picture and found one fresh rose petal under the picture. I knew it was for me. I sensed Mary had put it there and told me he had heard my prayers.

The rose petal is now dried in my bible (psalm 86) as a reminder that Mary is always listening to our pleas. She loves us.

God Bless

I love Mary because she is the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ! She is my Mother and my model too…
The Memorare
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was

It known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored

Your help, or sought your intercession was left unaided.

Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto you, O virgin of virgins,

My Mother. To you I come, before you I stand, sinful and

Sorrowful. O Mother of the Word incarnate, despise not

My petitions, but in your mercy hear and answer me. …Amen
Father Kolbe did say she is your Mother. 😃
I didn’t even recognise it was Saint Maximillian Kolbe when I wrote I didn’t care what he said- I would have recognised he would have never said she wasn’t our mother! He is one of the stars in Marys crown!!
I love Mary also and I know she loves me. When I told my grandmother that I was pregnent after a long battle of infertility she told me that she prayed to the Blessed Mother soon after she told me this she died suddenly and I wasn’t as sad as I thought I would be since I was very close to her, somehow I felt her work on earth was finished with this last request and I sense she was in a better place. To make matters even more interesting my Annie was born on Sept 8th as for my other 2 children one was born in October the month of the Rosary and the other was born in May the month of Mary so you see I feel so very connected to Her. I also find myself defending Mary to my Baptist sister and her husband.

God Bless
Since I’m new to Catholicism and christianity, I find this “love” hard to understand. I know how to love someone who I’ve known for a long time. I know what love feels like, but how do you “love” someone you have yet to meet? I know that they love me, but I have a hard time understanding how to love them back…is that wrong?
Since I’m new to Catholicism and christianity, I find this “love” hard to understand. I know how to love someone who I’ve known for a long time. I know what love feels like, but how do you “love” someone you have yet to meet? I know that they love me, but I have a hard time understanding how to love them back…is that wrong?
It’s often harder for Catholics not raised in the Church - i.e. converts or latecomers to catechesis (like myself) - to fully feel a “love” for Mary.

And that’s ok, so long as we at least acknowledge the dogmatic principles behind who Mary is, and what she ultimate points to: Jesus Himself. Certainly, a more full appreciation and “love” for Mary is preferred when developing a sense of Catholic spirituality, but for some, it doesn’t really come. Some don’t see it as essential, and I’d agree with them that it isn’t.

But in general, we are called to “love” God as He loves us. Most of us have never met Him in the flesh, so we have to work hard at seeing where He is in our lives, what He has given us. It’s also important to develop a sense of love towards the sacrifice Christ paid on the cross.

It isn’t easy, so it’s not wrong at all for you to feel troubled by the fact that you’re unsure of how to go about loving in return. As a rule, developing a sense of “spirituality” is precisely about loving God in return. And nothing about spirituality is particularly easy, either. You just have to feel your way out, and dedicate time to God so that a requitted love will find fruition.

He won’t deny those who ask!
Since I’m new to Catholicism and christianity, I find this “love” hard to understand. I know how to love someone who I’ve known for a long time. I know what love feels like, but how do you “love” someone you have yet to meet? I know that they love me, but I have a hard time understanding how to love them back…is that wrong?
I always hear protestants talk about their ‘personal relationship’ with Jesus. They have not met him, most of them not even in the blessed sacrament, and yet I do not doubt that they have developed this personal relationship through what Jesus has done in their lives.

In the same way, we can develop personal relationships with Mary and the saints. One of the things I love so much about Mary is that she is such a good mother to me, especially in that she responds to all my prayers, usually in a way that I would not have expected or wanted, but ultimately turning out to be for my own good in the end. She really loves me more than I love my own self.

It is not hard to begin loving someone who makes such a huge difference in your life, even if you haven’t really ‘met’ yet.:love:
Carrie Andrews:
I didn’t even recognise it was Saint Maximillian Kolbe when I wrote I didn’t care what he said- I would have recognised he would have never said she wasn’t our mother! He is one of the stars in Marys crown!!

I think you misunderstand the Father Kolbe quote. What it means is that IF you can NOT accept Mary as your Mother, then you can NOT accept Jesus as your brother. It is not a negative statement at all, just another way to say the if we love Jesus, we must also love Mary, our Mother. :o :o
Thank you for asking this question. I love my Mother Mary for she is the one who brought me back to Jesus Christ when I was so hopelessly lost. I am in the conversion process and have been for the last four years. I will come into the church on Easter next year. Being an Evangelical for so many years, I hated the Blessed Mother without warrant and scolded those who were devoted to her. But now I understand why her name means “Star of the Sea”…many of us have become desolate and lost in a thrashing sea of waves and confusion. Mary is a light of hope, and her vocation is to bring home the prodigals shipwrecked in their faith.

Thank you Mother for these wonderful people who have walked with you and loved you admist all the animosity in the world toward you. Bring us all close to your Son, the Son of God who died and bled for us that we might have life and have it so abundantly!!! Peace to you all
To make matters even more interesting my Annie was born on Sept 8th as for my other 2 children one was born in October the month of the Rosary and the other was born in May the month of Mary so you see I feel so very connected to Her. I also find myself defending Mary to my Baptist sister and her husband.

God Bless
Kathy Our daughter was born "October 7th, 2003. As a protetsant I did not undersatnd the signifigance of it. But now I know how special this day is. I praise God for the healing my family has been granted through the Rosary and the Blessed Mother and i praise God for your family as well who are under the mantle of the Mother of God!
Since I’m new to Catholicism and christianity, I find this “love” hard to understand. I know how to love someone who I’ve known for a long time. I know what love feels like, but how do you “love” someone you have yet to meet? I know that they love me, but I have a hard time understanding how to love them back…is that wrong?
Your honesty is the greatest thing before God raphaela. Remember when Jesus says in scripture at the time of judgement, “Depart from me, I never KNEW you”? This is what is most important to our Lord, that we know Him intimately.

These relationships must be nourished, fed and watered. The same is true of Mary. She loves you, she cannot do any different. Her love is perfect and the greatest among creatures. But, she is humble non-assuming, nor is she forceful.

For a long time I was somewhat reluctant to go to her in the conversion process. But over time I began to recieve tremendous healing in my soul and a great thirst for Jesus. The more I asked her to bring me close to Him, the more she honored that. Over time as I meditated on the Rosary and the mysteries of Christ and Mary, I began to see her more in light of my Savior who I knew so well. ***His flesh and blood that won our redemption were hers as well. His heart that was pierced was her heart as well. Not in a divine way, but in a human way. ***

Over time I saw them so intertwined through the mystery of the incarnation, my love for her soared! I found beauty again, love, virtue, and freedom from horrible vices that were killing me and my family.

Mary has been pure love to me and my family. But all this takes time, she will gently guide you, never forcefully sister.

God bless you friend
but how do you “love” someone you have yet to meet? I know that they love me, but I have a hard time understanding how to love them back
Ask (in frequent prayer) Jesus to help you know His mother and let Him bring her to you.

I think you misunderstand the Father Kolbe quote. What it means is that IF you can NOT accept Mary as your Mother, then you can NOT accept Jesus as your brother. It is not a negative statement at all, just another way to say the if we love Jesus, we must also love Mary, our Mother. :o :o
Yes, I didn’t see the “if” Thank you, when I think I see people going after my mom I tend to get miffed.
Michael Howard:
But now I understand why her name means “Star of the Sea”…many of us have become desolate and lost in a thrashing sea of waves and confusion. Mary is a light of hope, and her vocation is to bring home the prodigals shipwrecked in their faith.
“Estrella Del Mar” (Star of the Sea in Spanish) is the name of my sailboat!

When I first became a Catholic, I felt weird praying to Mary, and I felt especially weird praying the rosary mysteries of the Assumption and the Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven. It felt almost wrong to call someone Queen of Heaven, and I couldn’t associate that with a loving image- I kept imagining Jadis, the evil witch queen of Narnia!

I prayed a lot for Jesus to make right my relationship with his mother. I even prayed to her (well, and I prayed the rosary…) It took a few months, but it worked.

Another book that helped me, aside from the writings of St. Louis de Montfort, was Hail, Holy Queen by Scott Hahn. That really helped me with the whole ‘Queen of Heaven’ enigma.

Mary, Treasure House of God’s Graces, please pray for us!:gopray2:
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