Dear Chris W,
Thank you for your reply. I am still developing my beliefs, and these exchanges with Cherubino represent the first time I’ve actually discussed some of these ideas with another human being, so I’ll try to clarify for you as much as I can.
Chris W:
However, I have concern about the underlying beliefs that you seem to be describing. If I understand your position correctly, what you are ultimately saying, as I mentioned in my previous post (Post #4 on this thread) is that objective truth is not attainable. You say that truth is essentially in the eye of the beholder and that true objective authority only exists in those with whom we give authority.
I believe there are objective truths, and at least some of them can be attained. Since they are absolute, these kinds of truths are not subject to experience of any given beholder, although in order to communicate these truths with language certain assumptions will have to be made which, hopefully, are themselves sufficiently absolute to convey the message.
The word “authority” has similar roots as “author.” If I speak on my own authority as Jesus did, then I am not claiming to quote for or speak for anyone else. I am the “author” of my own words. If I speak by the authority of the king, then I claim the king has empowered me to speak as if it were the king himself speaking, and may as well have been the author of my words. If I speak with the authority of the Bible, then I’m claiming the Bible will back me up. Finally, if I ostensibly speak with the authority of God, then I’m claiming that what I am saying is infallible because God Himself has given me go-ahead to speak for Him. Whether you believe I have the authority I claim, or whether you accept my claimed authority as objectively truthful in any given situation, is up to you. You may feel compelled for various reasons to comply or reject what I say for various reasons – peer pressure, preconceived notions, contradictory information, threats or bribes – other than your acceptance of my claimed authority but that’s a different issue.
There is a problem with this philosophy, in my opinion. I agree with you that it is faith that leads a person to belief in Jesus Christ, and the authority of the Bible. Christians can present all kinds of logical and historical information about the authenticity of the Bible, and thereby derive more comprehensive beliefs, but ultimately, there is a leap of faith to bring one to accept the Word of God as truth. Once a person has faith in Jesus Christ and the validity of the Bible though, objective truth becomes attainable. Christians are not left to their own faculties to determine with what is and what is not true, as you seem to be suggesting.
I agree with you here, and I do not think Christians are left on their own. They do have worldly experts, they have the Church, and they have the indwelling Spirit.
What I do not accept, is that there is a specific man in this world who, because he has been elected according to a certain religious/political process, is THE one go-to man who can, in fact, speak as if he were God Himself to my specific issues. He may be the best qualified man in the world to help me see truth on any given issue, or maybe not. But I don’t believe any one man, or group of men, can constitute an infallible authority – at least not one I’m ready to buy into for purposes of basing my whole life on. It might be different if the Pope were a personal friend I got to speak with every day, but all I know about the Pope is whatever comes to me through his writings, PR machine, and other fallible people.
I need to take a break. I’ll post this and respond further later. I really appreciate your questions because most of this I’m kind of putting together as I go, so you are helping me clarify and even develop my own beliefs.