Who Right?

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I’ll try again. Don’t know if my last one got through.

Anyway, is there any good simply put info out there regarding the pill? I know that it is wrong for birth control but is it right in certain circumstances and why? (explain please)? I’ve been told my info is out of date. What is the latest best info regarding the pill. Simply put, though, nothing complicated please. Also what information does someone have out there to explain the dangers of it. Recent info please. I’ve been told my information is out of date and to read the book on the subject by Judith Rechman M.D. Is her book reliable.
Need lots of different information on it but not to complicated to show someone. Oh yeh, is the Bioself Fertility Monitror good for birth control? Any one around?
:confused: :banghead: :blessyou: :crying:
I’m no expert, but the pill is artificial contraception and therefore banned. It uses a large amount of estrogen, the female hormone, to mimic the state of pregnancy where no eggs are released from ovaries. It can also abort a preganancy, if I remember correctly, if the egg was very recently fertilised (read human) and already in the uterus.

The reason it is banned because the Church follows the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas when it comes to sexual intercorse. In his writings, St. Thomas asserts that sexual intercourses sole purpose is procreation and insisted birth control runs contrary to this (prevents pregnancy and thus sexual intercourse’s purpose).

As far as I know, the pill is relatively harmless. Problems can (and I know have) happen from too much estrogen in the body. Also, the pill tends to …uh…increase a woman’s um…chest size. Some comlain it makes them gain weight too, but I dont know.
Again, I’m not an expert. But someone will know for sure.
This has been discussed in various threads. Here are a couple:

Contraception OK?

birth control not used for contraception

In a nutshell, “the pill” can be used to treat various medical condition, but the woman must not be sexually active during that time.

Another thing, I have heard that most “pills” are abortifacients which mean that it causes the fertilized egg not to be implated in the uteris. Some additional information can be found on the Priests for Life web site under Contraception.

As far as I know, the pill is relatively harmless.
Hardly. Ask your pharmacist for the information sheet that goes along with a prescription for oral contraceptives. The risks are many, not the least of which are blood clots, stroke, and an increased chance of developing breast cancer.
The best & most effective “birth control” is self respect. Keeping your pants on & having some self control & respect for yourself & you boyfriend/girlfiend or spouse is 100% effective everytime.

I am everyday teaching my daughter to have self respect & repect for others. I wish all parents did the same.
I must say…
Doctors don’t always prescribe birth control pills for birth control. I was one of those people that birth control pills was the only treatment for a very severe hormonal imbalance that left me suicidal and homicidal after the birth of my 4th child. I would never consider using birth control, but I was forced to take it for my safety and those around me…yes it was that bad. I talked to my pastor about it because it really bothered me that I was forced to do this, but he explained to me that since I had not asked to be put on this, nor did I have a choice AND because my body needed the hormones to make me better it was not wrong nor a sin. It sounds as if you were asking if there was any medicinal use other than birth control…the answer is YES…although some of the other uses are wrong (like for acne) some are life saving and necessary. Just be sure you know your options.
I’ll try again. Don’t know if my last one got through.

Anyway, is there any good simply put info out there regarding the pill? I know that it is wrong for birth control but is it right in certain circumstances and why? (explain please)? I’ve been told my info is out of date. What is the latest best info regarding the pill. Simply put, though, nothing complicated please. Also what information does someone have out there to explain the dangers of it. Recent info please. I’ve been told my information is out of date and to read the book on the subject by Judith Rechman M.D. Is her book reliable.
Need lots of different information on it but not to complicated to show someone. Oh yeh, is the Bioself Fertility Monitror good for birth control? Any one around?

:confused: :banghead: :blessyou: :crying:

I’m just curious, with that name (Norm) I assume you are a guy. Why are you asking about the “PILL?”
Jimmy B:

I’m just curious, with that name (Norm) I assume you are a guy. Why are you asking about the “PILL?”
Answer to your suggestion. WISE GUY, I was inquiring for someone.
Have a good day. :ehh: Ehh! Why did you reply? are you a guy?:tsktsk:
God created sexual pleasure so that we would have marital sex and so risk begetting children.

We are allowed to minimize sexual pleasure and so *minimize *the risk of begetting children. Thus, NFP is moral.

But, we are not allowed to break into the store, kill the guy at the counter and steal the goodies in the candy boxes.

ABC is a breaking into the store, a killing of the guy at the counter, and a stealing of the goodies in the candy boxes.

ABC is an act of theft from God.
Answer to your suggestion. WISE GUY, I was inquiring for someone.
Have a good day. :ehh: Ehh! Why did you reply? are you a guy?:tsktsk:
whoa, take it easy there, big fella. no one’s lookin’ to start throwin’ punches. we’re all friends here.

(i’d put a little smiley face thing here, but that always make my thing crash. so imagine a little smiley face thing here.)

Sounds to me like you’re seeking medical, not moral advice by your question. Unless anyone here has an MD after their real name–I would get yourself or partner/friend to a doctor. He or she can surely give you accurate information on the medical effects of taking the pill. You should also remember there are many different kinds that may have different effects and/or risks or side-effects.
The reason it is banned because the Church follows the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas when it comes to sexual intercorse. In his writings, St. Thomas asserts that sexual intercourses sole purpose is procreation and insisted birth control runs contrary to this (prevents pregnancy and thus sexual intercourse’s purpose).
Come on Argh. You’re better than that. You’ve been here long enough to know better. Sexual intercourse’s purpose is two-fold: procreative and unitive (babies and bonding). The Church does not follow the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas. The Church follows the teachings of Jesus Christ under the guidance and protection of the Holy Spirit. The Church just doesn’t pick out a theologian and follow what he says. If he has a good way of explaining something already in the deposit of faith and morals, they may incorporate his explanation. But the teaching was true long before the theologian wrote about it.
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