Who will nurture the future saints?

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So many concerned with the “breakdown in morality” the “crisis in vocations”. They forget what our Faith is REALLY about - The Catholic faith is supposed to make saints, not money, and we are GOOD at it - we got a LOT of great saints. After my conversion, a man nobody thought of came and became my teacher, and the greatest gift of all was that he instilled in me the desire to become a saint. I am not a saint I am a saint wannabe but give God time to work on me. People tell me “It is arrogant to want to become a saint.” Well, if this person is arrogant, rest your mind arrogant people don’t get canonized.” People tell me “We can’t all be saints.” People tell me “God decides who becomes a saint, not you.” and I ask “Why do we discourage people to want to become saints?” A woman came to me and said “I want to become a saint.” I asked “Does God want you to become a saint?” She said, “Yes” and I said “What is the problem?” Could somebody give me one good reason why Our Lord would not want ANYONE to become a saint?” Could someone give me one good reason why ANYONE should be discouraged from becoming a saint? Isn’t that what our Faith is supposed to be all about? The young people - I see a stronger spirituality, I see unusual spiritual gifts and most of the time, they are run off by arrogant Christians who envy their gifts and call them “Satanic”. So they become Pagans, who are tolerant of unusual spiritual gifts. I tell the young people about Padre Pio and his strange gifts.

All these organizations - complete intolerance for different spiritualities. All these Catholic organizations - they want to mold people to THEIR way of thinking. What about what Merton says that when you do spiritual direction you are aware that you are in the presence of Almighty God in that person. God ALWAYS admonishes me through the lowly. When black janitors and maids speak to me, I usually know it is the Lord.

If we understood that the mission of the Catholic church is to make saints not money, and, of course including people who just want to be good Catholics - many of them are the unrecognized saints - where do they go in times of trials? How do you care for someone in trials - do you tell them they are crazy or do you wipe their brow? One of the greatest examples of love was an old Polish drunk. My teacher said he was crying and sad. An old Polish drunk came up to him and put his arms around him and cried with him and said “No one should ever have to cry alone.”

When I admonish you. When I challenge you - is that a put down? Some say I am talking about my superior spirituality. Although it is true I have gifts, my gifts say NOTHING about me and my merit. My gifts did not come from me and they are not addressed to me - I am just the delivery boy. Whenever I ask my guardian angel about how much holiness I have, he answers “Easy you have NO holiness at all - remember that the next time you say to the Lord “For you alone are the Holy One.” You are the fountain of all holiness.”

“Crisis in vocations”? Many, if encouraged would want to become saints. Who wants a vocation as a bureaucrat in a corporation?
I think the corruption will bring about some saints because they will be reacting to the corruption in a way that will make sure that the church becomes more holy again.
Who will nourish the future saints? Why the same one who nourished the ones of old of course. 1. God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit (through the Word and the Eucharist)
  1. Mary the Mother of God
  2. All the Heavenly Hosts of Angels
  3. Saints who have gone before them.
Do not underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit in raising up new saints for our times. The Church and the world have gone through times of heresy before and these times gave us the greatest of saints.

I have heard it said that when things start to slip it is then a restoration begins.

Looking at the world to day I think the Holy Spirit is very active nourishing new saints in our time. A lot of our saints batteled with the prevailing think tanks of thier time. As a teacher of Science one of the most startling things I have told my young students is that they are the saints of tomorrow. (Not any scientific law or principle funny enough:hmmm:!!)

“Oh that today you would listen to his voice” God is after all never changing but always new.

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