Whole Community Catechesis OK?

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Our parish is starting a new Religious education program next year. It is Whole Community Catechesis, or WCC. There will be no classes for children every week. Classes will be replaced by a meeting once a month for entire families of the children, and the parents will be given materials to work on for the month. The thinking is that the parents need religious education just as much as the children do. he once a month meeting is a group activity involving a meal, prayers, activities, etc.

I agree with this approach, BUT everything depends on the materials and philosophy contained within this particular program. Is anybody out there familiar with it? Any comments would be very appreciated. Thanks.
Our church does a Family Cathietest program, much like the WCCC. It’s great for those who participate in it…but it is not for everyone…at least in our church.
We tried it this year, regular classes each week with the exception of one week per month - that would be WCC day, for the parents and families to join together, etc. etc.

For some reason, the parents must’ve had the idea that those weeks were not important, so, we’d have less than half of the kids there and maybe 6 parents.

Our RE has decided to not have any more WCC Sundays this year (with one exception for a Rosary Class).

If you have a very involved parent group, it could work - we have alot of drop and shop parents 😦
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