Whose picture do you put before your home altar?

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If I have a home altar, I planned to put the picture of “Jesus, I trust in You”.
I have that same image, the divine mercy image, and a picture of the holy family. Also, a small figurine of St Jude.
I have that one, A crucifix, the Sacred heart of Jesus and a small card of the Holy family. Also a small statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. It’s a lovely image. it’ll make a nice altar image
I have a statue of Mary, two candles & some rocks & sea-shells & a bottle of Holy water from limerick

i wish i knew how to upload a picture
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I have Mary Salus Populi Romani in the centre with a small statue of St Joan of Arc on one side of her and a small plaque of St John Paul II on the other side of her. On the wall above her is a crucifix.
This is in my room. I am still deciding where I will put a larger home altar.

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Since my room is currently getting ready to be redone, I don’t have anything to put the pictures on but I have The Divine Mercy image on my window along with an image of Our Lady of Fatima and an Our Lady Undoer of Knots prayer card (also have St. Maria Goretti). This way I can see them from my bed.

However, when my room is all situated again I’d like to have them displayed somehow along with my Madonna and Child music box (not really a box), other prayer cards, and my Rosaries.
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