Whose Will caused Christ to be Crucified?

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Hi everyone! I’m extremely new here, but I wanted to pick the brains of some fellow Catholics. I’m 18 and rather new in my journey towards God, so I’m hoping for some help here. I was wondering whether it was God’s or Satan’s influence on the people who killed Jesus. I have always been taught that Satan caused them to crucify him, but I was watching the passion of the Christ the other day, and something caught my attention. I know there is no biblical basis for Satan using these words specifically, but when Christ was being tempted in the Garden of Gethsemane Satan tempted Christ to not go through with being crucified, telling him that “no one man can bear the weight of the sins of humanity” (not exact verbiage). Did Satan know what was at stake, if it was indeed his influence upon the people that led Christ to be crucified that sorrowful day? If so, why would he go through with it, given that it was such a great defeat for him? Or was it by some sort of permissive will that God allowed the people to murder his son?
It’s a quarter to 1 a.m. here, so I will have to get back to you on this.
Actually it was God’s will in His endless love to give us His only Son to save us from damnation and sinns, to open doors of Heaven and to reconcile us with Him.
It was human’s free will that rejected Jesus as Son of God, Jude’s free will to betray, Peter’s free will to betray, Pilat’s free will to give Jesus to those who wanted His death… Free will. And Jesus accepted everything in obedience to Father.
God never forces humans to anything because we have free will, every of them who betrayed Jesus had a choice not to do it. Every of them.

You can learn on Jesus’s passion and death here:
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God never forces humans to anything because we have free will, every of them who betrayed Jesus had a choice not to do it. Every of them.
I am glad you have said that. There are so many people that think freewill is a myth now, and that, to me, is logical nonsense.
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@adamhovey1988 Unfortunately is myth, especially when people think that they are puppets in hands of Great Architect. We may be weak but hey we have freedom.
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