I echo two of the comments above, one is that if you are Christian/Catholic you are going to be more sensitive and reactive to any portrayal that comes across as a slight to you belief system, and less so to that which slights others.
That’s just human nature 101, nothing particular about Christians. We just notice things that pertain to us more than we notice that which pertains to others.
Also there are a LOT of Christians, most people have at least a vague idea of what Christianity is so there’s a built in cultural understanding. It would be harder to poke fun at a group that is so small or obscure that no one would get the joke, or relate because they have no personal experience with those type of people. There’s a certain amount of shorthand built into falling back on a familiar stereotype. It takes less work to set up the joke, and is more likely to get an automatic response…laughter, hate, anger, hurt, etc if the viewers have some knowledge of the group.
If you speak to people of other faiths, they would likely be able to point out to you a whole slew of offences against their belief system that you may not even have noticed, either because it didn’t pertain to you or you didn’t realize that the portrayal was slanted, offensive or wrong. It’s much easier to see when someone gets something wrong about your own faith than about a faith you are not familiar with.
As another has mentioned, I tend to see more jokes and negative portrayals of Evangelicals these days than of Catholics, I’m referring to fictional portrayals.
When I was growing up there were a LOT of positive depictions of Catholics in movies.
Some of it may be that writers etc are also processing their own experience/anger in their work.