No, it’s absolutely NOT! Don’t you dare say things like this when you don’t understand what it means to be Catholic and a follower of Christ Jesus.
In regard to the OP: we, as Catholics, are held to a higher standard because that is what God wants of all the human race. We understand this and do what He asks. People outside the Church unfortunately do not understand this and live in sin, doing as they please and offending God. If they do this, know about Christ and His Church, and die unrepentant, then they will suffer the consequence of rejecting God: eternal separation from Him in Hell.
God calls all of us to be great saints and to fill the place that He has prepared for us in Heaven. To do this, we have to follow His precepts, be in His Catholic Church, follow His Holy Will for us, remain in a state of grace, pray often, receieve the Sacraments, worship God alone, Who is in Heaven, and love Him, God, above all things and our neighbors as ourselves. The reward will be great in Heaven. Amen.
May God bless you and lead you to the Truths of Catholicism (hopefully you are already a member of the Catbolic Church)!