My family is also hostile to Catholicism…my parents having been Jehovah’s Witnesses years before having kids, and then raising us without any faith whatsoever. At 25, a wonderful Protestant coworker saw the rough times I was going through and reached out to me. He asked me to read
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Thank God for him… no Catholic ever approached me like that. After reading the book, I was intellectually convinced in the logic of Christianity, but I had no “faith” per se. I began attending a huge non-denominational mega church, and was “born again.” I loved that Church… it was so welcoming and wonderful. It set my heart on fire for God and Jesus. Due to a serendipitous turn of events, I wanted to see my pastor, but he was too busy to see me. A friend suggested I talk to her priest. I laughed (rudely!) and said “I’m a
Christian!” Anyway… he offered to meet with me *any time (*his availability shocked me… the megachurch pastor was always busy!), so I did. He was wonderful, and before long, I was in RCIA. Now I sometimes feel that the protestant church is a necessary “first step” for some people… who then “graduate” on to Catholicism at a later time. Catholicism can be overwhelming to a brand new believer! When I was new I almost gave up because I thought I was expected to say a daily rosary, wear a brown and green scapular, say the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, etc. etc. ect. Well-meaning Catholics gave me these devotional pamphlets and I thought they were required. I said “This is too much!! Who can keep up with all of this???” I doubt that I would have been very inspired as a total non-believer going into a mass. It would have seemed boring and idolotrous to me… I probably would have run (not walked) as far from the Church as I could have. But God, in His wisdom, set my heart on fire first… let me be introduced gently into a very
generic kind of Christianity, and then, when I needed and longed for more, led me to His Holy Catholic Church. Now I can’t get enough… and I want to tell everyone about it! But it seems that the best prospects are actually devoted Christians who read the Bible constantly, sincerely seeking the truth. I always tell them that if you are sincere in seeking the truth, you must at least
CONSIDER the claims of the RCC, who claims to have “the fullness of truth.” To fail to do so shows you are not sincere in your quest. I have purchased leaflets from Catholic Answers such as “God’s Love for You” and “Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth.” I hand these out all the time, to people who ask me about the faith, and friends who are seeking. There are also great resources online, as I stated above. I think we *all *need to reach out to others as is appropriate in our position in life. If we all did a
little, we could accomplish
a lot!