Why are people on social media narcissistic and arrogant?

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I feel like it is preventing me from meeting a girl because they value how you portray yourself on social media and how it fits into her life. Even the best Catholics are very outward and prideful about their engagements, marriages and having children and post it on social media for the world to see so they can get likes and recognition. Almost like they need to do it to complete their life on how the world views them, rather than just doing the right thing.
I don’t buy into social status or doing things for recognition, I really just want to care about someone and have a family. I could care less if anyone knows.
I don’t have social media because I think it easily turns us into narcissists, as I said even people who claim to be Catholic, use the words Pride and show off everything that they do in life. They are doing it for the wrong reasons. Nothing beats being humble and working hard, never forget that.
I can’t find anyone with my views and the people without my views write me off because so many other people are they that they are.
With all due respect, it sounds like you have a big issue with social media.
So I would suggest you don’t use it.

I don’t use Instagram and Twitter becaues they seem like platforms for people to show off and see how many followers they can get. I don’t feel like I’m missing anything not having them in my life. I do use Facebook to keep up with a couple hundred friends, none of whom are particularly “narcissistic” or “arrogant”. They are friendly people who I chat and joke with throughout the day. None of them run around looking for “likes” or “recognition”, they’re there to keep up with their friends, like I am. I know the vast majority of them in real life, and some of them have been on my social media for so long (almost 20 years) that we feel like we know each other in real life though we’ve never met in person. And I also get to follow various prayer groups, livestreamed Masses, and join fun events like the virtual happy hour some priests were running last night.

I would gently suggest that if you’re having trouble “meeting a girl” you might want to focus on things you can do to meet a girl in real life (not on the internet) and keep a positive attitude. A guy who makes a big speech about how everybody on social media is arrogant or looking for recognition or prideful comes off like he has a chip on his shoulder. Most girls don’t want to be with guys like that.
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I can’t find anyone with my views
Of course you can’t, they are not using social media.

But please, you don’t need to badmouth people that do use it. Just don’t use it.
Because we can all be like that. I am seldom a narcissist, but quite often arrogant.
“Narcissistic and arrogant”? That sounds like someone who may tweet frequently and misspell words.
Even the best Catholics are very outward and prideful about their engagements, marriages and having children and post it on social media for the world to see so they can get likes and recognition.
You are actually in danger of committing the sin of detraction by ascribing motives to people who may simply be sharing good news.

You have no idea if people are doing things for the wrong reasons, so you should not be impugning behavior that could be wholly innocent.

If you don’t like social media, don’t use them. (Keeping in mind that this site technically qualifies as a social medium).
I like to know when friends get engaged or married. I also like seeing their kids grow up. Sorry?

Especially nowadays, confined to my house.
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It’s the nature of the internet. People can remain anonymous, or become someone they aren’t. And they can be very arrogant, rude, nasty and bullying on the net and nobody knows who they really are, so they get away with it.

People on dating sites have gotten into serious trouble that way. You think you know who you’re meeting, and it turns out not to be that person, at all. It’s easy to post fake photos and make up any kind of biography one wants to. That’s why one has to be really careful on those site.

I don’t use social media, either. Not comfortable with it. Never have been.
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