A thought hit me the other day: for years I’ve heard about how we have huge shortages in all sorts of areas like teachers, nurses, and Preists/Religious. Folks lament all the time: we don’t have enough (fill in the blank)! What are we going to do?
I was wondering, could it be abortion that has caused all of these gaps? Are we really in a vocations crisis or a lack of teachers and nurses simply because folks aren’t becoming nuns, teachers, nurses, etc. Or…are we in such shortages because these very people that would have filled in the shortages were killed before they were born??
Any thoughts? I would love to research this and see if I’m on to something…but I have no idea where to start. It is an interesthing thought though… You can’t erase over 40 million lives and not see the consequences.
Does the 40 million cover the world or just America?
I was wondering, could it be abortion that has caused all of these gaps? Are we really in a vocations crisis or a lack of teachers and nurses simply because folks aren’t becoming nuns, teachers, nurses, etc. Or…are we in such shortages because these very people that would have filled in the shortages were killed before they were born??
Any thoughts? I would love to research this and see if I’m on to something…but I have no idea where to start. It is an interesthing thought though… You can’t erase over 40 million lives and not see the consequences.
Does the 40 million cover the world or just America?