Why are so many missing?

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A thought hit me the other day: for years I’ve heard about how we have huge shortages in all sorts of areas like teachers, nurses, and Preists/Religious. Folks lament all the time: we don’t have enough (fill in the blank)! What are we going to do?

I was wondering, could it be abortion that has caused all of these gaps? Are we really in a vocations crisis or a lack of teachers and nurses simply because folks aren’t becoming nuns, teachers, nurses, etc. Or…are we in such shortages because these very people that would have filled in the shortages were killed before they were born??

Any thoughts? I would love to research this and see if I’m on to something…but I have no idea where to start. It is an interesthing thought though… You can’t erase over 40 million lives and not see the consequences.

Does the 40 million cover the world or just America?
I think it has more to do with the overwhelming selfishness in our society… which also feeds abortion… more a common cause then cause and effect senario.

You can’t erase over 40 million lives and not see the consequences.
You are correct. The absence of those 40 million does have effects throughout society. By reducing the number of younger workers coming of age it works against the stability of social security and medicare, as well as company pension plans.

Social Security has gone from a ratio of something like 25 workers for each retiree to a ratio of 3 to 1. I’m sure there are absences that are being felt throughout society. It affects voter demographics. Ironically, it may even be working to reduce the number of pro-abortion voters. See The Roe Effect, at opinion journal online: opinionjournal.com/extra/?id=110005277

Just think of al the people we would have to feed and clothe and shelter if there wasn’t legal abortion. There would be a huge number of children to adopt and a much larger base for the work force. What a wonderful world it would be. I wonder how many were killed who would have made a huge impact on our lives and our world. I guess we will never know.
as math and logic would have it, the liberal pro-death folks (primarily democrats) are the bulk of the ones who presumably have had abortions… i wonder if Al Gore would be in power today had all the children aborted since Roe v. Wade been allowed to live, how many of those tens of millions of potential voters would have voted democrat in the 2000 elections and swayed the democrats into power in the white house, the senate and congress, had their parents not deceided to murder them.
i don’t see the likeliness that abortion caused these shortages. While I do see where your theory is coming from, it is also up to the people who are alive to fill these gaps. Many don’t because they feel these vocations are not glamerous or selfish. Think about it, nurses work really hard to take care of other people. If you are a selfish person (and I know many who decided against nursing based on this fact), spending all you time, energy and money to take care of another person, is not gonna float your boat. The same with preists/nuns. Society in this country is a sexual one, you can’t deny it. Everything pressures us to have sex before marriage, have sex in different positions with as many different people as possible before marriage, or dont’ get married and be a “cougar” for the rest of your life. Some people except that this is the way it is, and adopt this lifestyle…do you really think that they would give up sex for the rest of their lives??? I don’t.

This may sound insensitive, it’s not my direction, but…if the liberal woman’s rights are the ones who are having most of the abortions…if those abortions never occured, what are the chances that these children would be raised christian, or even selfless. They’d be raised by the same people who would rather abort them anyway. Though most woudl proabably be adopted, not all adoptive parents share the same ideas of the world. I was adopted and my mom is an athiest who believes in abortion…i don’t think it would change all that much.
Does the 40 million cover the world or just America?
40 million is just the United States, not counting abortions caused by contraceptives, which is probably much greater.

Adding in for contraceptives that also abort and for the world, the total is probably over 1,000,000,000 (1 billion).
as math and logic would have it, the liberal pro-death folks (primarily democrats) are the bulk of the ones who presumably have had abortions… i wonder if Al Gore would be in power today had all the children aborted since Roe v. Wade been allowed to live, how many of those tens of millions of potential voters would have voted democrat in the 2000 elections and swayed the democrats into power in the white house, the senate and congress, had their parents not deceided to murder them.
A shining example of Romans 8:28 - Everything works together for the good! God can bring good out of any evil. We must never lose confidence!

I have a hard time thinking everyone is so selfish that that is why we have so many shortages. God calls us each to our vocation be it nurse, teacher, nun, Priest. If we’ve killed off 40 million through abortion and prevented millions more through birth control, those that had the calling, the true calling, would have filled the gaps. Don’t you think?

For nuns and Priests, giving up sex, moeny, and independence requires that you are truly called to it. God will give the graces to live it if He calls you. But if you’re killed off before you have a chance to be born…you never had a chance to live up to your vocation!

Does anyone have figures for the abortions that have taken place in other countries/continents?

Any more data about abortion causing huge gaps?
**“THE ROE EFFECT” **was quite a shocking read! The website says: “Who would these Missing Voters have been if they had reached voting age? What would their values have been? How would they have voted? What impact would they have had on the great debates in America, including the abortion debate?”

On the flip-side we can replace the words about voting with just plain “who would these missing people have been if they had been born?”

It’s absolutely chilling.

I have a friend who is a very active pro-lifer and she made a startling statement at a meeting once: “Our children have less and less playmates each year because abortion is taking so many lives!”

I wonder…how many of these aborted kids who would be my peers would have been in my college classes with me? Filled my church pews? Gone to the dances and art shows and poetry readings around town? Been my friends?

I wish pro-choicers would think of things like this!
Here’s something interesting I found on the web regarding a book titled: “The cost of abortion” found at

For example, he points out that with fewer students to teach, teachers are less in demand; with fewer taxpayers, government is exacerbating its fiscal problems. Strangely, these and other groups clamor for extending abortion rights, to their own detriment. Mr. Roberge effectively shows that even more problems lie ahead for America if the annual number of abortions continues in the same pattern as it has for the last twenty years." -Gregory A. Hession, J.D., Prolife Attorney

Check out these other websites with interesting writings about this same topic I brought up with this thread:


As I stated in a previous post, a future president of the United States could have already been aborted. Along with the next generation of scientists, teachers, professors, priests, and the list goes on and on. I always wonder when God is going to get enough of the killing of unborns before He calls a halt to all of it. It might be sooner than we think.
Was it Karl Keating who mentioned in one of his e-letters about the teen-ager he saw at a Catholic youth conference? The teen was wearing a t-shirt with the words: “1/3rd of My Generation Has Been Lost To Abortion.” I wonder how many of todays youth think of themselves a “survivors.”

I don’t know the abortion rate in Europe, but Europe is suffering from such a population decline that they are becoming a continent of old people. They have to rely on immigration to keep up their economy. And immigrants are mostly from Muslim countries, further weakening whatever is left of Europe’s Christian heritage.

I am 18 years old. I am a survivor of abortion.

For every 2 friends I have, I should have had one more if not for abortion.
For every 2 seminarians, there should be one more.
My high school had two thousand people in it. It should have had three thousand.
My university has five thousand people enrolled. It should have 7.5 thousand.
Et cetera.

sigh 😦
I recall seeing a cartoon once in which a group of people were on their knees begging God to send them someone to end the world hunger crisis, someone to end the wars in the middle East, someone to find a cure for cancer, someone to figure out a new fuel to replace fossil fuels, etc… various prayers about making the world a better place.

In the last panel a voice booms from Heaven: “I already sent you all those folks. You aborted them.”
I am certain that abortion has something to do with this. Do the Democrats know they are killing their own voters? Do the feminists know they are killing their fellow women?
“I recall seeing a cartoon once…”

I wish you could find that cartoon! I’d photocopy it and paste it all over my college campus!!
I see a new orthodoxy comming from the youth today. I think we really have a chance of changing things for the better. Catholics unite and save the unborn! God bless you all.
Along these same lines, think of China where there are too many men due to the fact they more females are aborted due to choice. I wonder just how often this is happening in the USA? So what is the trend in our country? Are there now more boys born? Does anyone know?
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