M MPSchneiderLC Guest Dec 13, 2016 #1 I asked a bunch of young men at our novitiate why they were following the call to be a priest or what being a priest meant to them. Here are a few of the response mixed into a short video.
I asked a bunch of young men at our novitiate why they were following the call to be a priest or what being a priest meant to them. Here are a few of the response mixed into a short video.
I Isaiah_53 Guest Dec 22, 2016 #3 youtu.be/W_1oboaQmQA these priests are hilarious esp when ‘turn down for what’ comes on with the bishop in the backseat
youtu.be/W_1oboaQmQA these priests are hilarious esp when ‘turn down for what’ comes on with the bishop in the backseat