Why Catholic church afraid to evangelize

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English is not my first language, so I apologize for any misspellings.

In my country it is illegal to evangelize, and the catholic churches are the most churches who afraid to evangelize and the most churches that do not care about what the authorities say are the evangelical churches.

So, I don’t see any logical reason what so ever for Catholic churches in my country to not help people to know about the Lord Jesus Christ, why they are afraid of the people who could hurt the body but can’t do more, where is the Christ in them? Didn’t the Christ asked his people to evangelize. I’m sorry guys, but every time I remember the way the catholic father refused to help me, I keep wonder, do I need to keep with church that its people don’t care of telling others about the christ? Church that evangelize when it is legal but when it is not they are afraid to do so?

Like the Christ said to his followers when he told them to love their enemies, he said what good are you doing if you just love your loved once. and the same thing I ask myself when it is comes to evangelizing and the catholic church, what good are you doing when you just evangelize when there is not danger to do so but you don’t when there is danger by people or authorities?
You say it is illegal to evangelise in your country. This is the very reasonwhy the church cannot do it. I cannot say more without knowing the details of the laws, country etc. Law is law, if it is really illegal then it cannot be done.
English is not my first language, so I apologize for any misspellings.

In my country it is illegal to evangelize, and the catholic churches are the most churches who afraid to evangelize and the most churches that do not care about what the authorities say are the evangelical churches.

So, I don’t see any logical reason what so ever for Catholic churches in my country to not help people to know about the Lord Jesus Christ, why they are afraid of the people who could hurt the body but can’t do more, where is the Christ in them? Didn’t the Christ asked his people to evangelize. I’m sorry guys, but every time I remember the way the catholic father refused to help me, I keep wonder, do I need to keep with church that its people don’t care of telling others about the christ? Church that evangelize when it is legal but when it is not they are afraid to do so?

Like the Christ said to his followers when he told them to love their enemies, he said what good are you doing if you just love your loved once. and the same thing I ask myself when it is comes to evangelizing and the catholic church, what good are you doing when you just evangelize when there is not danger to do so but you don’t when there is danger by people or authorities?
I’m Catholic from an Evangelical background and you ask good questions. It was illegal in the Roman Empire. Depending on the country I don’t know what the consequences would be. Do you mean door to door evangelism or even things like soup kitchens? There are many ways to evangelize.
“”"""“Law is Law, then it cannot be done.’’’’”" what the ------ does that mean?

the US fights unjustified wars, that have broken a major part of world laws and treaties…
defies to maintain military only for defense, never to attack other nations, and has a Constitution that calls for life, liberty and justice to all.
the trading of humans as slaves (sexual explotation) is greater today than ever in World history.
their exists no logical, religious or ethical reason for the US to give Israel 3 billion in war aid a year, but it happens, and their is no law that it should happen, but it does…

The central question is, what is justification to fight a war, for Freedom?
when it recognized a Godless government is the greatest defiance to Freedom.

Jesus evangelized, and he was crusified, and no true follower of Jesus to the Truth of turning away from sin and to put God first is going to be accepted in a corrupt world, that is a given.
so to Evangelize to Truth, is not going to be accepted by the evil people in the world is the mere realization. Many saints stood againt evil, and they were not treated very nice.

People evangilize by their daily lives, the example you set, your sacrifics and denial of your wants, subcoming to Gods will, not yours.
You say it is illegal to evangelise in your country. This is the very reasonwhy the church cannot do it. I cannot say more without knowing the details of the laws, country etc. Law is law, if it is really illegal then it cannot be done.
If that were true many of us at some time in history wouldn’t evangelize … But that isn’t true, if you have a love like Jesus loves you would know that you cannot deny others God’s grace and mercy.
I am a missionary I know that it is harder to speak where it may not be accepted and even harder when it’s illegal, but I also know Jesus and HE gives me hope to move on towards His calling …Go out to all of the earth and spread the Good news!

“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 5:9-11
English is not my first language, so I apologize for any misspellings.

In my country it is illegal to evangelize, and the catholic churches are the most churches who afraid to evangelize and the most churches that do not care about what the authorities say are the evangelical churches.

So, I don’t see any logical reason what so ever for Catholic churches in my country to not help people to know about the Lord Jesus Christ, why they are afraid of the people who could hurt the body but can’t do more, where is the Christ in them? Didn’t the Christ asked his people to evangelize. I’m sorry guys, but every time I remember the way the catholic father refused to help me, I keep wonder, do I need to keep with church that its people don’t care of telling others about the christ? Church that evangelize when it is legal but when it is not they are afraid to do so?

Like the Christ said to his followers when he told them to love their enemies, he said what good are you doing if you just love your loved once. and the same thing I ask myself when it is comes to evangelizing and the catholic church, what good are you doing when you just evangelize when there is not danger to do so but you don’t when there is danger by people or authorities?
Very good question - yes - very good. Of course without knowing more details, it is hard to do more than just speculate. However - a few thoughts…

It is sad that the priest was not helpful I cannot say why this was so. It could simply that he is weak and afraid (priests are people too). It could be that priests have been “trapped” by enemies of the Church posing as candidates. It could be that the Church has cautioned the clergy to be very careful.

A possible reason for such institutional caution could be that the Church does not want to risk being shut down and thus unable to minister to those who are already a part of the Church. I’m not saying that this is necessarily a good thing…but such things can get quite complicated.

As to evangelization, the Church evangelizes in many ways - you are here on CAF learning of the faith. Is this not evangelization? It may not be the best way - but at least it does exist.

Question of the non-Catholics - Evangelicals - openly evangelizing…God bless them for their efforts to bring others to Jesus Christ. I hope that their efforts are fruitful and that they do not try to evangelize those who are already Christian away from the Church.

As to why you should continue to pursue the Catholic Church…I can only say it is because we have the fullness of truth. We have the full presence of Christ in the Eucharist - the Sacraments. It is the ancient Church that Christ founded upon Peter.
How many priests have you approached on this matter? Seems like there must be some way…Did the priest say why he could not help you?

However - I will say this. If you are unable to come into full communion because of the political situation - and you are able to be baptized by the Evangelicals, I would say it is worth considering…but only if they are not “anti-Catholic”. I would not wish to be a part of any Christian assembly who disparaged other true Christians.

May God bless you on your journey.

The Catholic Church probably does evangelize, secretly. In ancient Rome, 17th century England and modern-day China persecuted Catholics carried and carry on. Pray for them. God bless.
“”"""“Law is Law, then it cannot be done.’’’’”" what the ------ does that mean?
CCC 2240 Submission to authority and co-responsibility for the common good make it morally obligatory to pay taxes, to exercise the right to vote, and to defend one’s country:

Pay to all of them their dues, taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due.45

[Christians] reside in their own nations, but as resident aliens. They participate in all things as citizens and endure all things as foreigners… They obey the established laws and their way of life surpasses the laws… So noble is the position to which God has assigned them that they are not allowed to desert it.46

The Apostle exhorts us to offer prayers and thanksgiving for kings and all who exercise authority, "that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way."47
Does your country have a functioning Catholic hierarchy? If so then you should probably report the priest who refused to baptize you into the Church. If none of the local clergy are willing to baptize you then you could be baptized by anyone*. You might also consider writing a complaint to the Vatican.

*This does not mean that it is okay to join an evangelical group, although an evangelical (provided that they are not anti-Catholic) could baptize you Catholic if no one else was willing to.
CCC 2240 Submission to authority and co-responsibility for the common good make it morally obligatory to pay taxes, to exercise the right to vote, and to defend one’s country:

Pay to all of them their dues, taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due.45

[Christians] reside in their own nations, but as resident aliens. They participate in all things as citizens and endure all things as foreigners… They obey the established laws and their way of life surpasses the laws… So noble is the position to which God has assigned them that they are not allowed to desert it.46

The Apostle exhorts us to offer prayers and thanksgiving for kings and all who exercise authority, "that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way."47
One is not obliged, and is in fact forbidden, from obeying unjust laws.
You say it is illegal to evangelise in your country. This is the very reasonwhy the church cannot do it. I cannot say more without knowing the details of the laws, country etc. Law is law, if it is really illegal then it cannot be done.
Are Christians bound by unjust laws?

Let’s look at a pertinent episode from Acts chapter five (emphasis added):

[21b] Now the high priest came and those who were with him and called together the council and all the senate of Israel, and sent to the prison to have them brought.
[22] But when the officers came, they did not find them in the prison, and they returned and reported,
[23] “We found the prison securely locked and the sentries standing at the doors, but when we opened it we found no one inside.”
[24] Now when the captain of the temple and the chief priests heard these words, they were much perplexed about them, wondering what this would come to.
[25] And some one came and told them, “The men whom you put in prison are standing in the temple and teaching the people.”
[26] Then the captain with the officers went and brought them, but without violence, for they were afraid of being stoned by the people.
[27] And when they had brought them, they set them before the council. And the high priest questioned them,
[28] saying, “We strictly charged you not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and you intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.
[29] But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.
[30] The God of our fathers raised Jesus whom you killed by hanging him on a tree.
[31] God exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.
[32] And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him.”
[33] When they heard this they were enraged and wanted to kill them.

(Gama’li-el then offers his opinion and in this way intercedes for the apostles and allowing them to continue their work unharmed.)

[40] So they took his advice, and when they had called in the apostles, they beat them and charged them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.
[41] Then they left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name.
[42] And every day in the temple and at home they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.

So, we see here that, although the apostles faced admonition and persecution by the authorities (though the latter were clerical, they were able to operate a prison, so were effectively acting in the name of the Roman government), the followers of Christ refused to keep the Gospel to themselves. Why should Christians today remain silent under similar circumstances?
The Church has been commanded by Christ to be as candid as doves, but as prudent as serpents.

What is done by our Christian brothers that are not in full communion with the Church is ultimately based upon a doctrine that contains errors. The Church, on the other hand, does not have that problem. We know what we do, and we have done it for two thousand years. Others exist since what, a century or two? They are - with much respect for their courage and zeal - young newcomers.

The Church is not prohibited from evangelizing, but from proselytizing. The Church evangelizes by its very presence, and anyone who wants to learn the Good News can approach the Church that shines like a lamp on top of a hill.

Now, men are men. Everyone in the Church is a sinner. So it is fairly possible that a man can make a mistake without it meaning that the Church is mistaken. The priest must have had a reason for refusing to comply with whatever you asked of him. Perhaps he worried about your life, perhaps he was afraid about his own, or about that of his faithful. You can always speak to another priest, or insist. Remember the teaching of Christ: keep knocking, and eventually the door will be opened.
What is done by our Christian brothers that are not in full communion with the Church is ultimately based upon a doctrine that contains errors.
Are you suggesting that evangelization is erroneous?
The Church is not prohibited from evangelizing, but from proselytizing. The Church evangelizes by its very presence, and anyone who wants to learn the Good News can approach the Church that shines like a lamp on top of a hill.
Christians have lived as minorities in Muslim regions for many centuries. How many have been brought to the faith in Greater Syria, Egypt, Iraq, and modern-day Pakistan by the “very presence” of Christians? Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, very few. So, does this methodology really merit our praise given its track record?
Does your country have a functioning Catholic hierarchy? If so then you should probably report the priest who refused to baptize you into the Church. If none of the local clergy are willing to baptize you then you could be baptized by anyone*. You might also consider writing a complaint to the Vatican.

*This does not mean that it is okay to join an evangelical group, although an evangelical (provided that they are not anti-Catholic) could baptize you Catholic if no one else was willing to.
Where did this poster say that anyone refused to baptise him or her? Do we know the circumstances? Could this person be a minor, for example? For prudential reasons pastors will often advise children whose parents are very opposed to their converting to wait until they are of age. Nothing wrong with that.
If improperly done, of course.
Are you saying that converting Muslims in violation of sharia law is erroneous?
Where did this poster say that anyone refused to baptise him or her?
Check his post history.
Could this person be a minor, for example?
I think that the OP lives in a country where converting to Christianity is illegal. His age doesn’t seem to be an issue.
Nothing wrong with that.
Refusing to let someone convert because it would be disapproved of by others is contrary to the very basics of Christianity (contra mundum and the like).
Are you saying that converting Muslims in violation of sharia law is erroneous?

Check his post history.

I think that the OP lives in a country where converting to Christianity is illegal. His age doesn’t seem to be an issue.

Refusing to let someone convert because it would be disapproved of by others is contrary to the very basics of Christianity (contra mundum and the like).
Not because it would be disapproved by others, but because a priest should be reasonably sure that a candidate for baptism will be raised/educated in the faith if such is required and/or that they will persevere in the practice of the faith in the long term after conversion. Both of which will be very difficult for a minor flying in the face of serious opposition and no support within their family.

As with all the sacraments, baptism is not something to be done lightly.

And refusal may be based on other reasons too - possibly the priest has well founded doubts as to whether this young person has been sufficiently catechised or is otherwise ready for baptism.
Are you saying that converting Muslims in violation of sharia law is erroneous?
No, that is not what I am saying 🤷 I am saying that there are proper and improper ways to preach the gospel to all the nations. The Lord himself instructed the apostles on the necessary prudence. And the Church - the Catholic Church - has preached the gospel in hostile nations for centuries.
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