I’m a cradle Catholic, but for the most part of my life I was ignorant to my faith. I didn’t grew much spiritually. My parents were church-goers, make no mistake, but they didn’t really bother to instruct us spiritually beyond sending us to Catholic schools.
I came back eventually into the embrace of Holy Mother Church and professed her the True Church with all my heart, mind and intellect. Funnily enough, the thing that brought about this change was my discovery of Protestantism.
In my ignorant bliss, I couldn’t really see any difference between the Catholic and the Protestant faith. (Luckily enough during those tender years no fundy attacked me
But anyway, I met this very devout friend of mine who was in my Calculus class and he always had a religious-themed book or two with him. One day, bored with the lesson, I picked up the book he had (
Surprised by Truth) and was instantly hooked.
One book led to another and I became more and more aware (and appreciating) of the theological differences between the Protestant and the Catholic Church – the illogical position of Protestantism and the eternal wisdom of the Church. I came to appreciate the Church’s unity, universality, apostolicity and sanctity. I came to appreciate the need to be in full communion with Holy Mother Church.
But the final tug was pulled by none other than the Blessed Virgin herself. During those confusing, searching days I decided to just give a Rosary a go (it was a cheap plastic one I just got from a retreat my school compulsorily conducted). I hardly even remembered how to pray it other than Our Father for the big beads and Hail Marys for the rest.
But when the first “Hail Mary” was uttered from my mouth, an incredible flood of emotions suddenly burst. Words fail to describe what I felt – joy, sorrow, all mixed in one; I cried like I’d never cried before – for no reason at all! But prominently I felt the presence of the Blessed Mother as if she was there beside me, pulling me to her motherly embrace and casting away all doubts and difficulties I previously might had in confessing full communion with HMC.
Ever since, I grew exponentially in faith and spirituality – and still does! It’s the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church for me and none other! It’s the only place offering such rich heritage, such abundance in blessings within the Sacraments. It’s the Church Christ founded, the Church that Mary loves and intercedes for! Not in an eternity would I look elsewhere!