Why Did God Wait So Long to Send the Savior?

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Hey everyone!

I was teaching CCD this evening to my 5th grade when I thought of a question I couldn’t answer. We were studying original sin, and how Jesus is the new Adam through whose death we can enter Heaven. The question is,

Why did God wait so long to send the Savior after the fall of Adam?

Thank you!
Hey everyone!

I was teaching CCD this evening to my 5th grade when I thought of a question I couldn’t answer. We were studying original sin, and how Jesus is the new Adam through whose death we can enter Heaven. The question is,

Why did God wait so long to send the Savior after the fall of Adam?

Thank you!
I’m not a Catholic but my response would be that time is something that we deal with. God had His plan and He waited until it was the right time for it. All that God does is perfect and He had the perfect time to bring our Savior into the world.

I think it’s taking a long time for Him to return and gather us up to heaven…but, again, He has the perfect time for when that happens.👍
From our point of view, in the “space-time continuum,” God was waiting for the “fullness of the times.” See Gal. 4:4.
To prepare us in stages? Because God likes to pre-announce things? Because it is his story and he can tell it how he wants?

And maybe because lot of things were right at the time of the Annunication. It was the time of Mary of Nazareth. It was the time of Roman crucifixion. People still believed in the supernatural and were hungering and thirsting for a savior.

This was of course God’s plan, and he could have planned it differently, but wasn’t his plan awesome?
Hey everyone!

I was teaching CCD this evening to my 5th grade when I thought of a question I couldn’t answer. We were studying original sin, and how Jesus is the new Adam through whose death we can enter Heaven. The question is,

Why did God wait so long to send the Savior after the fall of Adam?

Thank you!
God seems to have a completely different concept of time, and his ways are superior to our ways. Though it seems too long, apparently, he sent Jesus at exactly the right and perfect time. I don’t know what his rationale was, but I just have faith that he had his reasons, knew what he was doing more than I, a speck of dust, does.
Jesus told His mother that He was about His Father’s business. Thus He knew The Father had a plan. It is not ours to know what we have not been told. I just try not to get under His feet. Keep my hands clean and wait for Supper. Just like any five year old.🙂
Hey everyone!

I was teaching CCD this evening to my 5th grade when I thought of a question I couldn’t answer. We were studying original sin, and how Jesus is the new Adam through whose death we can enter Heaven. The question is,

Why did God wait so long to send the Savior after the fall of Adam?

Thank you!
The value and significance of events transcend **physical **attributes like time, place, size, weight, distance, velocity, quantity or frequency. In the context of eternity they are unimportant.

If original sin is truth, and Jesus, as Saviour, came when He did, then this equates an unjust God for having unjustly restricted all the saints of a bygone era from His Presence…

Thank you all for your responses! Like you’ve all hinted at, it seems to be a mystery of God that he knew the time was right and just. Your responses have opened my mind this to my mind. God bless!

If original sin is truth, and Jesus, as Saviour, came when He did, then this equates an unjust God for having unjustly restricted all the saints of a bygone era from His Presence…

If man were entitled to deification this would be true, but God created us from nothing and owes us nothing. After our offenses against his infinite majesty, he would have been justified leaving us to ourselves. His mercy and grace, his Incarnation, and his Church are gratuitous.

If original sin is truth, and Jesus, as Saviour, came when He did, then this equates an unjust God for having unjustly restricted all the saints of a bygone era from His Presence…
The Redemption was retroactive as well as active and proactive:
14 I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, 15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16 And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.
John 10:14-16
The Redemption was retroactive as well as active and proactive:

John 10:14-16
I find this interesting tony 🙂

Are you saying that Jesus was not the only Saviour then?

Maybe you could clarify further please? 🙂

If man were entitled to deification this would be true, but God created us from nothing and owes us nothing. After our offenses against his infinite majesty, he would have been justified leaving us to ourselves. His mercy and grace, his Incarnation, and his Church are gratuitous.
I’m not sure if this is from the perspective of man’s rights, its about the All-Just God showing signs of a weakening sense of justice…the Saints of bygone eras did not offend God…

Hey everyone!

I was teaching CCD this evening to my 5th grade when I thought of a question I couldn’t answer. We were studying original sin, and how Jesus is the new Adam through whose death we can enter Heaven. The question is,

Why did God wait so long to send the Savior after the fall of Adam?

Thank you!
**But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law…Gal 4:4 **

At the beginning of human history, man, willfully and foolishly, effectively separated himself from God. God’s purpose ever since has been to draw us, without force, to freely, willfully, turn back to Him. In His dealings with man He’s been revealing His nature and His will, step by step, as we’re ready, as we mature, ultimately seeking to transform us into His image. He’s patient and kind in this “endeavor”. The Catechism teaches that He made His creation in a “state of journeying” to perfection.
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