According to Tradition, Mary was a chief source for the Gospel of Luke, as well as early Acts. She also, again according to Tradition, lived anywhere from 5-15 years after the resurrection of Jesus, with John the beloved disciple.
So, here we are with Paul. Now we know that Paul wasn’t a disciple from day 1–it is indeed POSSIBLE that Mary had “died” and was assumed into heaven before Paul even BECAME a disciple (in the earliest death timeline) and certainly it is possible that Mary had been assumed before Paul wrote many of his letters.
Paul was not the SOLE witness–writer–speaker for Christianity. Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles, in a specific time period. Christianity was not some hide-bound “treatise” --Paul had no NEW TESTAMENT with which to work. Paul did not deal with EVERY aspect of Christianity directly, nor would one expect him to. Peter was the first Pope and thus Peter was dealing with the early Church as its first shepherd; James and the other disciples were witnesses throughout the world to their Jewish brethren, Luke was attempting to chronicle the events of Jesus’s life, as were Matthew, Mark and John. Each person had HIS OWN GIFT and HIS OWN PERSPECTIVE from which THE HOLY SPIRIT GUIDED HIM to produce what God wanted WRITTEN (what became the Bible) and what God wanted transmitted (HOLY TRADITION AS MENTIONED IN TIMOTHY ET. AL.).
Not only that, but the Bible is for ALL TIME. Passages which seemed to have one meaning (for the people in 1st century A.D.) can be shown to have deeper (but not contradictory) meanings for those who were “later born”, and will continue to have deeper and deeper meanings for those who are born well AFTER our current times. Again, that is what one would expect of God-given teaching–that it would be both unchanging (as God is unchanging) yet vibrant and able to resonate with people no matter what their EXTERNAL changes would be. Most people in A.D. 100 were poor, illiterate, rural and agrarian from a patristic, monarchal, primitive culture. . .yet the Gospels speak just as much to THEM as they do to rich, literate, urban, materialists in a democratic, egalitarian, “Civilized” culture.
Why didn’t Paul tell Christians–gentiles living hundreds of miles away, practicing a religion which was persecuted–to consult a woman who may have already been “assumed” into heaven, but, if not, may have been quite busy as it was with the other disciples?
How do you KNOW that, if Mary were alive, Paul DIDN’T tell people to meet her, anyway? What we have of Paul’s writings is probably only a FRACTION of what he actually wrote. Remember, John said that a recounting of ALL the words and deeds of JESUS would necessitate “so many volumes that one couldn’t even imagine there being enough room for them”. . . Surely, Paul, Peter, and the others said and did and wrote much more than what we have in the New Testament. But what we have in the N.T. is what GOD wished us to have. Just because other things (sacred tradition) might NOT be in the Bible, or because some things simply aren’t KNOWN, doesn’t mean that they didn’t happen, or weren’t “worthy” or “approved” by God.